These Exclusive Features of Android N Will Make you Impatient!

2 min readMay 25, 2016


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Google I/O 2016 made many new technological announcements, Android N was one among them. What is Android N? It is an Android version update that hasn’t been named yet.

This Android 7.x update incorporates many new features. Let’s take a sneak peek through it:

Multi-Window Support

Have you ever felt the need of running two apps simultaneously on the same screen? Though this wasn’t possible till 6.x version, Android N makes this happen by splitting the screen for two apps. A long press on the multitasking button is all you need to do for this.

Google also announced that larger devices will have the freedom of scaling the screen size of apps. This means that now you can watch movie and carry out other work on your tablet or mobile side-by-side.

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Direct Reply Notifications

As the name suggests, Android N is now give you the flexibility to reply to messages directly from the notification drop down list. This means that you do not need to exit from your current window just to reply to messages. This feature will work with many popular apps such as WhatsApp, Hangouts, Gmail and many more.

Quick Settings Menu

Quick Settings menu will now be made available in single pull of notification drop-down. This acts as a shortcut for ‘Settings’ in the main menu. Work faster with your mobile settings with this new feature in Android N.

Bundled Notifications

This feature is meant to organize your notifications in a systematic manner. All the notifications from the same app are bundled together in the notification shade. You can view individual notifications from the grouped shade with two finger gesture or click on expansion button.

Doze Mode 2.0

Marshmallow’s ‘Doze mode’ is advanced to stop all the background tasks that are running in your phone as soon as the screen is off. You can call it a step ahead of its previous ‘Doze Mode’. This feature is aimed for the battery to last longer.


Working on two apps simultaneously with multi-window support feature, Android N is focused on providing users with pure multi-tasking experience. At the top of multi-tasking list, there is a ‘Clear All’ button which exits all the applications at once. The tedious process of closing individual apps is now replaced with a single click on ‘Clear All’ button.

These are few important feature updates in the new Android version. These features are tempting people to use Android N as soon as it is launched in the market.

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This article was brought to you by Android App Development AgencyAppsDevPro.




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