How I’ve built 100+ open-source apps with automation tools — AppSeed
3 min readSep 5, 2019


Hello Coders,

My name is Sm0ke, I am a freelance developer and I’ve generated more than 100 apps in different languages and architectures, using automation developer tools, HTML parsing, and simple UI-Ready boilerplate code enhanced with basic modules (authentication, database, tooling).

In case you want to start faster your next admin dashboard project check out this index with Open Source Admin Dashboards already coded with authentication, database, and deploy scripts — Provided by AppSeed — Web App Generator.

About the automation process

I decided to build an automation workflow, based on my freelancing experience from the last two years, mostly based on the feedback and clients requirements:

  • The clients constantly require a variety of designs to choose from
  • Apps should be delivered in modern technologies (this makes my life easier, but is not true in all cases)
  • Legacy apps migration to newer technologies using low budgets.

To solve all those problems and challenges I’ve built a semi-automated workflow:

  • Extract components for various template engines (Jinja2, PUG, Blade) from flat HTML files using an HTML parser written in Python / BS4
  • Inject the processed design into existing boilerplate code: Django / Flask admin dashboards, Static Sites, Jamstack, simple Flask Web Apps
  • Execute automatically a minimum set of tests

#Open-Source Admin Dashboards

Admin dashboards coded in Flask Microframework with SQLite database, authentication ORM and basic tooling — for the full list, please access: free and open-source admin panels

Flask Dashboard Black — Open-Source admin panel.
Flask Dashboard Black — Open-Source admin panel.

Free admin panels coded in Django Framework with an identical set of features:

Django Dashboard Argon — Free admin panel coded in Django.
Django Dashboard Argon — Free admin panel coded in Django.

#Static Sites — SSG Starters

Free & Commercial, prototyped on top of Eleventy (11ty) and Panini SSG. Tooling: Webpack, Sass/SCSS, Babel, Light-server, PostCSS, CSSnano.

Eleventy Html5Up Ethereal — SSG Starter built with 11ty.
Eleventy Html5Up Ethereal — SSG Starter built with 11ty.

#Flask Apps

Free web apps built on top of well-known UI Kits, equipped with authentication, SQLite database, ORM and a clean code-base.

Flask Now UI Kit — Open-Source Flask Web App.
Flask Now UI Kit — Open-Source Flask Web App.

#JAMstack Apps

More than 40 apps with the design provided by well-known web agencies.

Free, MIT License

Free (CCA 3.0 License, preserve the footer)

JAMstack BigPicture — Open-Source JAMstack starter.
JAMstack BigPicture — Open-Source JAMstack starter.

Thanks for reading! AMA in the comments or stay in touch with me on Twitter or

Material Kit, Now UI, Paper Kit

