Published inBetter ProgrammingSending AWS Lambda Logs to an Observability Service Like Datadog or New RelicAdding Terraform tooMay 24, 20232May 24, 20232
Published inBetter ProgrammingManaging Grafana Dashboards With TerraformWe’ve all done it — deleted a graph from a dashboard, realised we still need it but have forgotten the query. Use Terraform to go backFeb 1, 20231Feb 1, 20231
Published inDevOps.devPushgateway: Getting Prometheus metrics from Ephemeral sourcesSometimes there are situations where Prometheus’ pull method is not suitable for getting metrics and a push method is more desirable. This…Jan 30, 2023Jan 30, 2023
Published inAWS TipResilient Vault with ASG, KMS Auto-Unseal and S3 StorageKeeping Vault available but easy to manage can be achieved with AWS toolingsDec 21, 20221Dec 21, 20221
5 reasons I run Vault on my dev boxKeeping all your API tokens and passwords safe on your dev box can be tricky. Vault to the rescueDec 13, 2022Dec 13, 2022
Published inAWS TipUsing GitHub Actions OIDC to run Terraform in AWSForget long lived AWS credentials, use OIDC to secure your credentials in under 100 lines of TerraformDec 7, 2022Dec 7, 2022
Published inDevOps.devTest Results on GitHub Actions Summary PageFed up of having to dive deep into the Actions pages and logs to find linting and test errors. Here is a quick way to show them on the…Nov 1, 2022Nov 1, 2022
Published inAWS TipAWS Parameters and Secrets Lambda ExtensionHow to get Parameters and Secrets without requiring a full SDK built into your LambdaOct 31, 2022Oct 31, 2022
Software Reliability Incident ManagementIncidents can happen at any time, and they may not even be you or your company at fault but you need to be prepared for handling them…Oct 25, 2022Oct 25, 2022
Using AWS Parameter Store in Jenkins PipelineSometimes you need to be able to use Dynamic parameters or Secrets in you Jenkins pipelines which isn’t trivial with Jenkins Credential…Oct 13, 2022Oct 13, 2022