Five Ways to Learn the Values of Christmas with Your Children

Juana la Iguana
2 min readJul 27, 2016


Ideas to learn the true meaning of Christmas


It’s the best month of the year! I would like to share five ideas that you can put into practice at home, teaching your young children the true value of Christmas.

1. The magic happens when we are together: It’s beautiful to share experiences with our families. Take advantage of the holidays to spend time together. Games that involve the entire family help spark conversation and allow family members to get to know one another better.

2. Let’s make a message jar: Prepare for Christmas with a very special gift. Propose that the entire family write personalized messages that come from the heart to one another, and that they slip them into a jar. Then, on Christmas Eve, after dinner and before opening gifts, gather in the living room and read what each person wrote for the family.

3. Arts and crafts to give as gifts: There are no better gifts than the ones we make ourselves. Consider spending time with your family by taking a seat and creating beautiful works of art that you can give as gifts afterward. You can make portraits decorated with paper, cardboard key chains and even bookmarks. All you need are the materials and your sense of creativity.

Here is a calendar you can download in order to plan your activities! Click here!

4. To believe is to be able to: This is a gorgeous message that you can give your little ones this month. Tell them that when they wish for something with all their heart, and when they put in the effort, their wish will come true. Tell your little ones the story of Christmas and let them feel the magic.

5. Love who we are: Without a doubt, Christmas for us Hispanics is a season of tradition. From food to rituals to our beliefs, tradition lays the foundation for our celebration. Christmas is an opportunity to transmit your Hispanic values to your children!

Teach them that learning about our traditions can be very fun.

Click here and download my app Juana la Iguana and her Farm Friends to play with family, share with them, and sing fun Spanish songs.

My app is a great gift for this christmas!



Juana la Iguana

Inspiring kids from an early age to develop a joy for learning, to be kind, and to discover Latin American culture! Download Juana for iPad and iPhone.