Gary Vee’s New Book Really Pissed Me Off — So Here’s What I Did

April Beach
3 min readMay 9, 2018

I was reading Gary Vaynerchuk’s new book “Crushing It”, and I was pissed.

At first I was fired up — Ready to lay it all on the line - To share my message and influence markets.

And then…

Gary told me to spend 11 hours a day on twitter, and publish massive content.

Now, I do have my podcast, and I do post to social… but NOTHING like Gary was recommending.

And immediately I thought:

“You have no idea what it’s like to grow a business while breastfeeding”

“Yea right… 11 hours a day on twitter. Whatever…”

“There is no way I can apply these strategies…”

And then I told myself to shut up and listen. I wouldn’t allow my reason (children) to be my excuse.

Gary Vaynerchuk is an expert at entrepreneurship, so I jumped at the chance to check out his latest book, Crushing It!: How Great Entrepreneurs Build Their Business and Influence-and How You Can Too.

Truth is, this book made pick up my big-girl-britches and get my act together

And instead of bitching or feeling sorry about my lack of time, I developed serious strategies that would allow me to “Crush It” with kids in tow.

Crushing It as an entrepreneur takes fire, determination and grit.

When you’re simultaneously raising awesome kids and living an adventurous life, you have to be really smart about your time and focus. Truth is… no one is more qualified to triage what’s important, prioritize, and take massive action like a parent entrepreneur. Everything you need is inherently inside of you, and these four strategies can help.

Block Calendar Schedule:

By taking a look at your week and clumping together like-themes and projects, you will become more focused and productive. This frees up your time from switching tasks and changing gears within each day. Some areas that can be grouped together are design, client coaching times, personal development, business development, team building and leadership, marketing, tech, etc. Check out SweetLife Podcast episode #6 to create and dominate your block calendar and get a template.

Once you’ve completed this, add in the block times when you’ll master the social engagement Gary recommends.

Niche Hard:

By being yourself, owning your personal brand, and allowing yourself to be vulnerable, your message will cut faster to those you want to reach.

This type of niching goes farther than the usual marketing niche normally discussed for business development. This is all about your personality, beliefs, convictions, style and passions. When applying the “Crushing It” strategies, by being authentic on social, your message will travel farther, faster.

Get Help:

Grow your “home-front” team, just like you grow your business team. Great help can start small, like Amazon Fresh delivery or hiring someone to fold laundry. When you run your family like a business, you realize there are certain roles others should be doing instead of you. When you build your home-business team, you’ll be free to relationship building like Gary suggests in “Crushing It” and become the influencer the world is waiting for.

Cut The Fat:

When you have too many random tasks that don’t move the marker for your business, it’s like carrying extra weight. It slows you down and makes you unhealthy. When you cut the fat of things that are not moving your business forward, you open time to build relationships and grow your social influence as Gary suggests.

Make a list of your tasks for this week. Complete all that you must do and delegate the others to your VA, hire a VA, or trash those tasks all together. Control small fragments of thoughts and tasks by removing or deleting them, so that you can powerfully control your time. Most often, its the foggy “mom brain” that stops your productivity, not the business development tasks.

Ready to “Crush It”?

Grab your copy here and tune into SweetLife Podcast #69 now:

April Beach is an author, speaker and business development consultant for adventurous female entrepreneurs who are determined to defy the status quo, control their life, and build a socially conscious company while raising awesome kids. April been featured by TODAY, MSNBC, Patagonia, 5280 Magazine and other media for her role in life-first business design.



April Beach

Host of top rated “SweetLife Podcast” : I coach adventurous entrepreneurs to build unconventional companies, while raising awesome kids. http://bit