How to Create A New Gmail Account: 5 Reasons Why It’s Not Working

3 min readNov 19, 2022


Gmail is one of the most popular email services in the world, with millions of people using it for both work and personal reasons.

If you’ve been trying to create a new Gmail account, but for some reason, it’s just not working. No matter what you do, you can’t get past the “Create account” screen. Don’t worry; you’re not alone. There are several reasons why this might happen, and we’re here to help you troubleshoot.

In this article, we’ll go over five common reasons why you can’t create a new Gmail account. By the end, you should have a better understanding of what’s causing the problem and how to fix it.

Incorrect information

If you’re trying to create a new Gmail account but keep getting an error message, it’s likely because you’re entering incorrect information. The most common reason for this is using an already existing email address as your username. Gmail addresses must be unique, so if you try to use an address already taken, you’ll get an error message.

Another common reason for getting an error message when trying to create a new Gmail account is using invalid characters in your username. Only letters, numbers, periods, and underscores are allowed in Gmail usernames. You’ll get an error message if you try to use any other characters.

Finally, make sure that you’re entering a valid password. Passwords must be at least eight characters long and can’t include your username or any commonly used words. If you need help with what makes a good password, check out Google’s tips on creating strong passwords.

Gmail username already exists.

If you’re trying to create a new Gmail account but are receiving the error message that your desired username is already taken, there are a few possible explanations:

  • The most likely scenario is that someone else has already registered for a Gmail account using that same username. In this case, you’ll need to choose a different username for your new Gmail account.
  • It’s also possible that the username you’re trying to use has been registered for a non-Gmail email service such as Yahoo or Outlook. In this case, you may be able to sign up for a Gmail account using that same username by adding “” to the end of it.

Additionally, there are also certain characters that are not allowed in Gmail addresses. These include: &, ‘, “, /, \, ^, `, {, }, ~. If any of these characters are included in your desired username, you’ll need to remove them before proceeding.

Too many attempts

If you’ve been trying to create a new Gmail account and keep getting the “Too many attempts” error, it’s likely because you’re using an automated system. Google specifically prohibits using automated systems to create Gmail accounts and will flag any accounts created this way.

There are a few other possible reasons for the “Too many attempts” error, including:

-You’re using a VPN or proxy server. Google may block account creation if it detects that you’re using one.

-You’re trying to create too many accounts at once. If creating multiple accounts for business or personal use, try spacing them out over time.

  • You have an outstanding suspension on your account. If you’ve been suspended from Gmail in the past, you can create a new account once that suspension is lifted.

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