Faith Over Fear: 3 Weapons to Overcome Fear With Faith

April Phillips
5 min readAug 24, 2022

Practical Ways to Combat Fear When Taking Steps in Faith

Doubt and fear co-mingle so often in my mind. In my thoughts. In my heart.

Sometimes I wonder, “Am I doubting because I’m fearful? Or am I fearful because I’m doubting?” Which one comes first really doesn’t matter though — I just know they are there, taking up emotional space.

Have you ever felt like this?

I’ve never experienced this more than over the last couple of months. I had that feeling — you know the one where you are pretty sure God is telling you to do something?

And this time it wasn’t just, Hey! Text your friend this scripture verse for encouragement. It was a doozy.

I felt and heard the Lord telling me it was time to do something new. Something different. And it required me to take a huge step of faith.

A step out of what is comfortable and known into the uncomfortableness of the unknown.

After I was certain it was the Lord I was hearing — as certain as we can be as humans, right? — the enemy started in with all the doubts. A deep fear gripped me inside at times. The voice of the enemy, in the form of my own doubts and fears, would come over me like a tidal wave.

  • Are you sure you heard God correctly?
  • Did He really say that?
  • Shouldn’t you feel more at peace if this is from God?
  • Aren’t you making a mistake?

Have you ever heard those doubt and fear-filled questions when you are taking a step of faith?

It has been in these moments I realize that moving from fear to faith is not just made in that one, first step. Moving from fear to faith is an ongoing, daily, and even moment-by-moment choice.

Choosing faith over fear: But how?

I’m sure you’ve heard that phrase ‘faith over fear’ before and sometimes it feels MUCH easier said than done. And let’s be honest. That’s because it is!

But it does get easier — well more familiar, really — as you practice doing it.

We all deal with fears and doubts. And while these next ideas — these weapons — aren’t the only ones, they are how God is moving me from fear to faith in a big way.

And they can help you too!

  1. Hold On to Scripture.

God talks so much about not being afraid, of assuring us that He is with us. Ask the Lord to show you a scripture verse or two that you can repeat during those times the enemy is attacking.

God’s word is a weapon that He has given us — it is powerful and useful! Check out Hebrews 4:12 and 2 Corinthians 10:4 for that truth.

I’m holding onto Psalm 34:4–5, “I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.”

And Isaiah 43:1, “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”

When you have those moments of fear and doubt, say those scriptures out loud. Speak them with as much confidence as you can over and over. As you do, you are breathing in the life and power that comes with God’s word.

  • Resource Tip: Get yourself the Youversion Bible App or check out the BibleGateway website to search for scripture! Both are easy to use and you can search for whatever topic you might need right then.

2. Listen to Others Who Encourage Your Faith.

Talk to other believers who can encourage you and remind you of who you are in Christ. Have them pray for you. Be honest about the fears you have.

Having doubts and fears is normal and just part of being human. Talking about it gives them less power.

Music is also powerful. Blast that life-giving music to drown out the lies floating in and out of your mind. Later on, those lyrics might just be what you need to combat the fear you have.

Listen to a podcast or sermon. Join an in-person or online community where people are encouraging each other in their faith walks!

Finding a place where you can be real without feeling ashamed is a life-changer. These people and places remind us we are not alone on this journey. The hope we get there fills us with renewed faith!

  • Hope-Filled Podcast Alert: One of my favorite podcasts is from Christine Caine. She knocks you over with her words and empowers you to keep going in faith and not let fear overtake you.

3. Tell Yourself Stories of Hope and Faith.

What we tell ourselves and others has power. There’s all kinds of science and research, but you can find it to be true just by doing it.

When trying to have faith over fear, remind yourself of what God has done in the past. The things that He has brought you through. His faithfulness. Remind yourself that He has never left you and He always loves you.

Tell yourself what is true about the future. You might not know all the details — in fact we rarely know the details most of the time! But here is what I know about my future and your future:

  • God has a plan and a purpose for our life. Jeremiah 29:11 and 2 Timothy 1:9
  • He created us for good works, which He prepared ahead of time for us to do. Ephesians 2:10
  • We have God’s power and love and He gives us sound judgment, not a spirit of fear. 2 Timothy 1:7
  • He guides and directs us as we take steps of faith. Psalms 32:8–9 and Proverbs 16:9

These are the truths that can help you have faith over fear. Use it as a script. Say it as a prayer. Rehearse it, even if it feels awkward.

Why are these weapons so important?

Because when you have this story of hope and faith ready to say to yourself, you can get your mind set on it rather than the doubt and fear.

God does give us the kind of peace that comes only from Him — peace the enemy tries to tell you isn’t there.

Sometimes His peace comes right away. Other times it comes after setting your mind on the truth about your future.

Use Philippians 4:6–8 as your weapon of action, reminding yourself that He can give us a peace that transcends all of our human understanding.

God’s peace is there — it just takes practice to feel it over the anxiousness that comes with fear.

Are you ready for a more faith-filled life?

One where you move from fear to faith?

If so, start using these weapons of faith today and be encouraged! Don’t let fear and doubt overtake you. Walk moment-by-moment in faith over fear.

Have you experienced this kind of fear? This kind of faith step? You could be in the midst of it right now. I’d love to hear your story of moving from fear to faith! What works for you? Comment below so we can encourage each other!



April Phillips

Copywriter l Storyteller I School Counselor I *Builder of Dreams* I *Intsiller of Hope*