Introducing The New Hacks For A Better And Sound Sleep

April Rose Semogan
4 min readJun 3, 2015

Who doesn’t want to indulge in a good and sound sleep? I guess, no one. Everybody loves to sleep and others are even obsessed with it leading to a disorder called “Clinomania”. Just like food and water, sleep is also one of the most important commodities that we should all acquire. Lack of sleep can result to various unhealthy conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and diabetes. Aside from that, sleep deprivation can make you fat and dull your memory. This is why it is important to get at least six to eight hours of sleep everyday.


Through the years, there have been various researches and studies that have been conducted to resolve issues about sleep deprivation. Experts aim to further discover the realm of sleep beyond what we already know in order to seek for answers. As time go by, facts about sleep and dreams have come to life while more ventures are being conducted to exploit all possible information about sleep. Through time, successful revelations have risen to the occasion which had been a great help in getting a better sleep for most of us. Now, as technology and science advances, here are the new ideas for a better and sound sleep.

1. Sleeping Naked

Source: www.

Sleeping naked can help you sleep better according to experts. In fact, there are various reasons to sleep naked and it is a good idea to promote your physical and mental health. It allows your body parts to breathe and at the same time releases your body heat which reduces risk of getting yeast infections. In addition, sleeping naked is much cooler and more comfortable than wearing flannel nightgowns or oversized T-shirts.

2. Headphones That Help You Sleep


Music can help soothe your body and set your mood for sleep. Now, you can do so without feeling uncomfortable while you sleep with it because a digital innovation has been designed — The Kokoon. This headphone is designed to help you track your sleep, and gives insight into your sleeping habits through an app. This is an audio-based technique to aid sleeping.

3. Weather & Good Sleep Patterns


According to experts, weather or temperature plays a crucial role in sleep and circadian rhythms. Changes in temperature have a great impact in the quality of sleep that you can get. Good quality of sleep can be achieved in a temperature of 60–70 degrees, so if it is humid, you can get less amount of sleep. Hence, you have to wear lightweight pajamas, use lightweight bedding or as what we’ve mentioned above, sleep naked. Serotonin production due to Vitamin D is vital as well for developing good sleep patterns.

4. Lighting


Recent study shows that the key to have a good night sleep is — lighting. When we sleep, melatonin, a hormone produced by the body when the eye detects darkness, takes participation and regulates it. Hence, the dimmer the light, the more melatonin is being activated in our blood which results to a potentially improved sleep. It is better to sleep when it’s dark but of you can’t sleep without a light on, you can turn on a lamp or have a dimmer installed in your room.

5. 4–7–8 Breathing Technique


This method has been introduced by Dr. Andrew Weill wherein in you should regulate your breathing in to various counts of 4, 7 and 8 — just like what its name suggests. This breathing technique has been dubbed as ‘natural tranquilizer for the nervous system’ which also claims to get insomniacs to sleep in just a matter of 60 seconds. There’s no need for you to do any rituals before you go to bed, you just have to apply this breathing technique which relives the tension in your body and then you will see how it can help you sleep much better.

You can add these new sleep hacks to your old ones and incorporating both will be an excellent choice in order for you to sleep better. Don’t forget to eat a balanced and healthy diet, do regular exercises, avoid late night snacks and observe good sleeping habits to completely achieve your goal. Having a soft and comfortable bedding can also help you get a better and sound sleep. It also works best if you observe the best sleeping positions. Waking up each morning after a good night sleep can help you fight stress and be more positive in everything you do. Sleep well and embrace tomorrow with great optimism!



April Rose Semogan

I’m an SEO specialist and dog lover who enjoys travelling to different countries and local destinations.