Legendary Marketer Review

April Lopez
9 min readOct 5, 2019


Online affiliate marketing is now my passion. I am a stay at home wife and very eager to learn to leverage the internet to live the life that I wanted. Until I came across this Legendary Marketer.

From this review I will be sharing about the following:

  1. What is the Legendary Marketer?
  2. Getting started with Legendary Marketer
  3. Who is Legendary Marketer and Who is Dave Sharpe?
  4. The Legendary Marketer Products
  5. The Legendary Marketer Product Prices
  6. Is Legendary Marketer Worth It Investment?
  7. Pros and Cons
  8. My final Review

What is the Legendary Marketer?

Legendary Marketer is an online marketing company that has a complete training program for online marketers and entrepreneurs. It is founded by Mr. Dave Sharpe who have done $250M+in online sales.

Dave’s story compelled to making this online marketing grow and helped many people to be financially free and in owning their online business. It is mostly designed for the affiliate marketing beginners and pro marketers who are looking to start and grow their online business to the next level. This training either for you to become an affiliate of the legendary marketer or to other online businesses you own.

There are sets of products that legendary marketer offers in the form of video training. It starts with the low ticket offer, medium and at the back end is the high-end ticket to include the events and mastermind and legendary leadership group.

It teaches the core fundamentals that you need to succeed in online business. It has the concepts of affiliate marketing, creating sales funnel, email marketing automation, running traffic from different platforms of social media like Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Starting from the signing up training, which is the 15 Day Online Business Builder Challenge, I feel like I am at school. I have learned the concept of business marketing that I never learned at school. Each day the video training from Dave is unlocked and with homework to review what you have learned. The training is packed with value. It teaches how to start an online business to beginners. In addition, you have a personal coach assigned to you, someone you can call for help and guide you for you too.

How I got to know Legendary Marketer

I am one of many people looking for ways to make money leveraging the internet to have an income that will give me the freedom to do the things that I enjoy and to spend more time with my family.

I am the kind of person who prefers to be driven and learning new things at the same time helping other people to be aware that they can do the same. Working a 9–5 job was my hustle but never been happy.

So I dived into the internet and got to know the Legendary Marketer. I made my research for this company and its mission is to help people start an online business or grow an existing business using the right leveraged and cutting edge marketing strategies and business models. I became an affiliate.

I went through the 15-day challenge who gave me the video training on how I can start my online marketing. I was amazed by the step by step video training and a quiz was given every end of the day. It has tons of value that directed me not just to have to build a business but educates me more on my financial lifestyle and that changes my mindset to become a successful person, my personal development.

The marketer’s club which is a $30 subscription and a pro-affiliate subscription is the low front end ticket to access the video training to start the business. Strategies on building your websites, building your funnels, email automation, leveraging Facebook and any other platforms to bring the traffic to your website. The skills and tools needed to promote the products are provided. Traffic Rolodex is the medium ticket but I wasn’t able to get it.

Aside from the commission as an affiliate, there are also income streams from the company products that they partnered with in building your business like when you use the click funnels, AWeber, get response or sendlane . You become automatically affiliates of this product and can earn commissions when you bring leads to your website and they use these products.

The affiliate system has a proven funnel for the challenge. You will have your affiliate links you can add to your traffic platforms. Through the click funnels, you can customize your funnels.

The best part being an affiliate is having your personal coach that you can call to help you which I think this makes the company unique, you can access to the everyday wake up calls from the team to provide you with motivation, self-development in dealing with the challenges you encounter in your business or in life, tips in order to be successful in your online business.

Leveraging the sales team of Legendary Marketer in order for you to get the high commission products. You can see the full support of the team in order for you to be legendary.

In my back office you can see a professional website provided;

What are the Products of the Legendary Marketer?

  1. Marketing and Advertising
  • 15 Day Online Business Builder Challenge
  • Legendary Marketer’s Club
  • Legendary Pro Affiliate
  • Traffic Rolodex
  • Legendary Marketer’s Book

2. Business Blue Print

  • 4 Core High Ticket Business Model

-Affiliate Marketing

-Digital Products

-Events and Mastermind

-Coaching and Consulting

3. Live Events

  • DFY brand Builder
  • Marketer Mastermind
  • Entreprenuer Mastermind
  • Leadership Group

1. 15 Day Business builder Challenge, Legendary Marketer Club and Legendary Affiliate Pro

This is a monthly subscription-based introductory product that will teach you about the basics of internet marketing.

Courses provided in Legendary Marketers Club

  • Facebook Ads
  • Lead Generation
  • YouTube Advertising
  • Facebook Fan Page marketing strategies
  • Instagram marketing
  • And a weekly webinar teaching various internet marketing topics
  • Daily wake up calls

Within the platform, they also provide you the resources to promote the products:

  • Landing page
  • Banner Ads
  • Video Ads
  • Ad Copy
  • Email Copy

2. Traffic Rolodex

This is basically training and resource to help people drive traffic to their landing page using paid traffic methods.

3. Legendary Builder Masterclass consists of training on:

  • Affiliate marketing business blueprint(transform your lifestyle through the power of affiliate marketing)
  • Digital products business blueprint( creating an outline for your digital courses)
  • The attraction code
  • Master of enrollment
  • The profitable presentation(create a presentation that sells)
  • Storytelling formula
  • Coaching and consulting ( create an outline for your digital course)
  • Events and masterminds business blueprint ( the fundamentals of great live experiences)

4. Legendary Leader Masterclass

Will teach you how to become a leader in a marketplace, expand your brand and dominate. As a member here, you will be trained in the development of the brand, scaling and product messaging strategies that are supposed to enhance the growth of your business.

5. Legendary Marketer Mastermind

This is a 3-Day live in-person mastermind event.

6. Legendary Lifestyle experience

It gives one the opportunity to meet with other people sharing similar goals, network and learn more.

The Pricing Of Legendary Marketer Products

Learning and succeeding in online marketing comes at a cost. You anyway need to invest your time and in most cases some money as well.

Here are prices of some of the most popular products:

  • Legendary Marker 15-day Business Builder Challenge: $7
  • Traffic Rolodex $247
  • Legendary Marketer Club costs $30 per month
  • Legendary affiliate Pro at &29.95 per month
  • Legendary Builder master class costs $2,500 one time
  • Legendary Leader Masterclass costs $2,500 one time
  • Legendary Marketer Mastermind for $8,000 one time
  • The Legendary Entrepreneur Mastermind for $12,000 one time
  • DFY Brand builder for $10,000 one time
  • DFY Brand Builder and Mastermind Bundle for $15,000 one time
  • Legendary Leadership group for $ 30,000 one time

Is Legendary Marketer Worth It Investment?

The system of Legendary Marketer is among a very large number of training programs, which offer individual ways of making cash while still learning the system of affiliate marketing. It could be at times frustrating to build an online portfolio then fails which is my experience but when I learned the process and practical skills I now have the full understanding that whatever results you got is based on how much you put to work. Failure is a part of success when you are focus on your goal. Success depends on your hard work, determination on your goal.

The main factor here is learning more and being patient. Most people are happy with the choice they have made in joining the Legendary Marker. It is an investment worth your money. The returns are really good, and if you follow the procedure well, you will learn and make money.

Pros and Cons

Let us start with the good:

When I started my affiliate training, I am stoked with the education they provided me.

  1. They made the training a very simple and easy, step by step process which is very convenient for people who are beginners in online marketing and to the expert affiliate marketers who want to bring their business to the next level. There are tons of value in every training. Legendary Marketer’s training is comprehensive enough to help network marketers drive traffic and increase their leads.
  2. The support team is very responsive and there is a daily wake up calls to the group to give motivation, answer questions, give tips on how to market your business, provide advice on how to engage with clients professionally and all the updates from the legendary marketer. And you also have a personal coach assigned to you who can help you when you have questions guide you in getting the upsell products.
  3. You have access to the facebook group where you can post your content for constructive criticism and questions in order for you to gain the result that you want for your audience. This approach can encourage, motivate the members who have inferiority, so it is a great community to build with to become better both in your lifestyle and in your business.
  4. Integrity, Honesty, and transparency are always encouraged by Dave Sharpe in order to become successful in your business. This is what I like most about this company.

Integrity is doing right even nobody is watching.

Honesty — being truthful, real as a human being /business marketer to your audience

Transparency — being open so you can build trust to work with the company with high standard ethics

5. High affiliate commission from the higher ticket products

6. There is a 30-day money-back guarantee. This is only for the subscription-based products like the Legendary Marketers Club and Legendary Pro Affiliate. You can cancel the billing and request a refund within 30 days. Afterward, there is no refund for monthly automated billing. At least you can try the online digital training and resources risk-free for the first month.

Bad side:

  1. If you have clients who want to join the affiliate, they need to be assessed first before becoming one. This is to know whether you are committed to using the value from the training and if have the experience or you have the skills in online marketing.
  2. It is hard for some new members to get high ticket upsells because of the high price. However, I would say its worth your money because the training is extremely valuable and practical skills that will pay you dividends for years to come.

My Final Review

When I started to be an affiliate of Legendary Marketer, I saw they had evolved from the day I became an affiliate. They had a constant update for the past few months in order to be compliant with the affiliate regulations. These shows how committed and focus they are, in their philosophy and teachings as a business online company.

The support is very responsive to the members who are serious in building their online business in order to help them become successful like the people who are now living the life they want from the team. I strongly believe in their integrity and honesty and that is why I continue to promote their products and continue learning in order to build my own success.

I am committed to being legendary and will be working more for my success from this company. With the extensive training that I had, I wanted to help other people as well to build their dream to become successful.

But we believed in the hard work, dedication, and commitment in order to be successful in affiliate marketing.

If you find value in this review you are welcome to share your thoughts and love.

Thank you.

Stay connected!

April Lopez

If you purchase anything through a link in this article, you should assume that I have an affiliate relationship with the company providing the product or service that you purchase, and that I’ll be compensated in some small way at no extra cost to you.

