Apryl Flowers
2 min readSep 8, 2020

The signs are all around,

My perfect sons taken away too soon,

Trying to fix the world for my children,

I list track of time boys,

My 5 sons do you love me in the next dimensions,

Thanks for always being my guide here,

The little tome we got to harness, the laughter and the many suns we played under,

Taken too soon from the magical moment we could be creating all summer but the forces of your mothers actions caught up after her, perhaps sons we should one day see each other again, don’t let this world define you my little forces of evil 👿 go get to the top but do not go towards the most popular currents unless it’s your hearts desire. Always stay true to your self boys and stay selfish even if you have the ability to fix someone perhaps I see now it’s too late the people might gang up on you just as your fathers stole my youth and unfortunately yours too, but don’t worry sons I know your hearts inside and out and your minds because I see everything you do for your moms for centuries sons the sun the moon and the stars will belong to you someday if the will is true and you seek them too. . .