Black Lives Matter

(A peaceful protest)

Apryl Flowers
8 min readJun 23, 2020

This re-occurring thought keeps coming to my head: A beautiful woman with big hair, as BIG as the SUN! like, Jesus Christ!..... okay I over exaggerated; anyways, she was wearing a black Tupac shirt- R.I.P. POC. I hope your still out there, faking death for us all man! Please, come out and yell, "Gotcha!" Just imagine the awesome scene in "Dummer and Dummer 2" when Loyd (Jim carey) pranks his friend for 20 years… Tupac, please be faking it; so we can hear some truth…

(Only God Can Judge Me -Tupac)

Well this woman says to me: “Black lives have to matter before all lives can matter.”

This is such a feeling to have on my shoulders. If I had the power, I would heal this nation from the enduring pain of what our United States placed on our families and friends. I would take your pain away and store it within my heart for eternity just so that I walk with the pain.

instead of your families. I’m so sorry for mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers who morn the losses and this crap society has placed on families and all humans!

**Damnit** we are ALIVE and we feel so much!~ I cry, of course I cry over what some would just discard I cry about a dead moth that has landed in my bathtub by accident. I have this heavy weight of the entire world on my shoulders and I’m sorry I cant do anything about it.

Someday I can hope that our entire world feels this feeling so that maybe we can learn how to love and love unconditionally (without self harm of course).

Being born into a white family, "city folk", fucking sucks. I mean they have no "family togetherness", they fight against one another, not with one another. When someone is hurt badly, they say the worst things (rather than build one another up) and then turn around and say what they should have done during the time that the event was taking place (Thanks for the hind sight advice).

Then they move on with their lives, while laughing behind your back, blame you the "child" of the family "the little slut" the "problem child" the "bitch" the wait for it!)

Indeed!! and believe me when I say this, I hold the right to be a mental case you all would have probably just ...shut up Apryl.... never mind I’m shutting up because I’m trying to be more like Plato and Cicero and practice my cardinal values..... Now I want to be apart of the black lives that matter so badly...... At least I would have family support to go take on the world and make this place better. Damn you Creators! Mom and Dad, you guys shouldn’t have found one another in that "donut shop!" (I know the truth now though!) My parents met at a strip club!(lol, horn dogs)! Mom; stripper. Dad; a military man for the United States of American Army! My father? well... he guarded my ears and when I would ask my mother she would tell me the truth. lol 😂. My mother is awesome by the way; so anyone shaking their head reading this post in disbelief, all I have to say is Nick Reveley’s favorite things to say "miss on you pister you ain’t so mucking Fuch your whole fam damily has been bucked by fuzzards so why don’t you go in your own jack yard and back off and see how your Feter Peels" thank you Nick whoooo....Pig Soooie!! Go RazorbacksDamn you Creators! Mom and Dad, you guys shouldn’t have found one another in that "donut shop!" (I know the truth now though!) My parents met at a strip club!(lol, horn dogs)! Mom, stripper. Dad, a military man for the United States of American Army! My father? well... he guarded my ears and when I would ask my mother she would tell me the truth. lol 😂. My mother is awesome by the way; so anyone shaking their head reading this post in disbelief, all I have to say is Nick Reveley’s favorite things to say "miss on you pister you ain’t so mucking Fuch your whole fam damily has been bucked by fuzzards so why don’t you go in your own jack yard and back off and see how your Feter Peels" thank you Nick whoooo....Pig Soooie!! Go Razorbacks

Damn you Creators! Mom and Dad, you guys shouldn’t have found one another in that "donut shop!" (I know the truth now though!) My parents met at a strip club!(lol, horn dogs)! Mom, stripper. Dad, a military man for the United States of American Army! My father? well... he guarded my ears and when I would ask my mother she would tell me the truth. lol 😂. My mother is awesome by the way; so anyone shaking their head reading this post in disbelief, all I have to say is Nick Reveley’s favorite things to say "miss on you pister you ain’t so mucking Fuch your whole fam damily has been bucked by fuzzards so why don’t you go in your own jack yard and back off and see how your Feter Peels" thank you Nick whoooo....Pig Soooie!! Go Razorbacks

Which brings me to the thought, tailgating is going to be so interesting in virtual reality and empty stands hopefully Arkansas is the only one to have a football team YOU SWINE deserve this! Arkansas is where my heart truly is I consider these KKK, HickAss, Arian Brotherhood, Anarchist, Christian, Folk Nation, Red Neck, Trailer Park Trash, and of course the deer cooking, beer drinking pot smoking individuals, my truest family in the world! I didn’t meet not one damn cousin fucker in AR, I tell you whaaaat...... that actually happens in The State of Texas, Richard Sierra and Selena Sierra ... It’s not steers and queers its cousin fuckers sorry not sorry texas ! hahaha

We should start conditioning these "privileged people" "the spoiled shits" that have their daddies money and families sympathy because your family; they know that they (YOU) wouldn’t have if it if wasn’t given to (you) them YOU SPOILED Brat Trust Fund child wouldn’t know how to manage money, much lay a brick and to mortar your own company together and lay a proper foundation and make sure that its stringed and leveled out before you start laying plastic in between the bricks you would try to lay on top of your plastic savings account and instead of building an empire and learning about the effects and the real, unpaid taxes, illegal companies, and the dissolution of life.

(“You WILL see ME!” -Scroobias Pip)

lets not forget about the sex trafficking....maybe it will have to take some harsh reality and pain and maybe even going without toilet paper for a bit to wisen these brats up for them to wake up and feel the loss of a loved one by irresponsible placement of a trigger happied pampered baby boy in a sons hand or throw them the keys to your car before the consequences of the BUSHES beer kills one of your children with their Oil and Gas powered cars with no govna' giving the Rich power you crave between your legs because your brain isn’t fully developed from the bubble your pussy Clinton mommas uncolored babies, Frat boy HARVARD wonna bees random thought......well actually more like a triggered emotion that gave me a fluid thought.

The State of Texas has been like an abusive boyfriend that I cant seem to shake no matter how hard I try, no protective order, no place to hide, no where to go, and if you try to leave they abuse the ability to have the resources and money to rape you and get away with it. This cock holster of a system keeps cuming into my life and telling me that I have to go to their services or the kids are gone....or offering me money for a bribe to never tell anyone what happened when they left me to get fucked by a white bussiness man named Mark Earl Dance living in Fort Worth, Texas and then hiding the evidence in a Red Hat Society, Disney cruise loving, baby thief with no morals or values and a lot like our president trump she knows everything and she claims to read the Bible okay Sherry Calhoun lets see its a history lesson for you to never take for granted again and again or someday the world will kill your Roman Empire and tear down your walls you’ve placed up to protect your self from the wrath one mad God will bring down on you once again! they say that history will repeat itself and I see the patterns and each time we fall like the eagles soaring gracefully we Rise from the ashes as we get shot down and come back ten fold as a flaming hot phoenix. Like that will entice me to let them insert their long line of fuck into my life no thank you State of Texas Child Protective services I’m almost certain this ex stripper is way to expensive for you to afford the chance to fuck me again, and, again the same way and not have me stand up for myself! The State of Texas has been like an abusive boyfriend that I cant seem to shake no matter how hard I try, no protective order, no place to hide, no where to go, and if you try to leave they abuse the ability to have the resources and money to rape you and get away with it. This cock holster of a system keeps cuming into my life and telling me that I have to go to their services or the kids are gone....or offering me money for a bribe to never tell anyone what happened when they left me to get fucked by a white bussiness man named Mark Earl Dance living in Fort Worth, Texas and then hiding the evidence in a Red Hat Society, Disney cruise loving, baby thief with no morals or values and a lot like our president trump she knows everything and she claims to read the Bible okay Sherry Calhoun lets see its a history lesson for you to never take for granted again and again or someday the world will kill your Roman Empire and tear down your walls you’ve placed up to protect your self from the wrath one mad God will bring down on you once again! they say that history will repeat itself and I see the patterns and each time we fall like the eagles soaring gracefully we Rise from the ashes as we get shot down and come back ten fold as a flaming hot phoenix.

Like that will entice me to let them insert their long line of fuck into my life no thank you State of Texas Child Protective services I’m almost certain this ex stripper is way to expensive for you to afford the chance to fuck me again, and, again the same way and not have me stand up for myself! —

