Importance of an IT Infrastructure

APS Progressive Solutions
5 min readJul 8, 2021

The advancement in technology has had a considerable impact and improved the way businesses conduct their activities. That includes communication, productivity, data security, and even the speed of decision-making. Whether you are working from the office or home, ensuring your IT infrastructure is up to speed can genuinely boost your employees’ productivity and overall business growth.

Having a sound and efficient IT infrastructure should be a primary priority for all firms regardless of size or industry, especially in today’s rapidly digitized world. It can be installed on a customer’s premises or hosted by a third-party service provider. Below we will outline the immediate benefits and importance of a robust IT infrastructure for your organization.

1.Privacy and Security

As Cybersecurity threats evolve at an alarming rate, it’s becoming more critical for businesses to strengthen their network security. That is especially true as advances in technology such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) enable more sophisticated and efficient security threats. Many firms outsource their Cybersecurity to managed IT services providers because staying on top of the latest security risks can be challenging for overworked or inflexible IT employees.

One more advantage of outsourcing your IT needs to a third-party service provider is that they provide network monitoring services 24/7. After all, keeping your systems up and running is critical to the success of your organization. Security upgrades and maintenance are also handled, ensuring that your network is up to date and protected against the latest cyber threats.

2.Data Management

As data management technology advances, more prospects for real-time data analytics and business intelligence open up. A custom-fit IT infrastructure allows a company to collect data in real-time and use it to improve its operations. Insurance firms, for example, utilize sensors and GPS services to track vehicle speed and damage. That calls for an efficient and reliable server storage setup to handle all this information.

For firms of all sizes, the need for business intelligence (BI) is growing more critical. While BI used to be limited to giant firms with expensive systems and infrastructure, data analytics is becoming more accessible and inexpensive to businesses of all sizes. That is partly owing to a broader range of data management alternatives, particularly cloud-based solutions.

3.Employee Productivity Improvement

According to economists from the University of Warwick, happy employees are 12 percent more productive at work, whereas dissatisfied employees are 10 percent less productive. Although happiness is subjective, businesses may foster a healthy, happy work atmosphere for their workers by providing them with the necessary tools and a secure online environment to confidently do sales, technical, managerial, and clerical responsibilities. One of the best methods to develop a good reputation is to ensure the safety of your employees’ and customers’ data. That improves both employee and client happiness.

It is critical to provide staff with the appropriate tools and equipment to do their tasks efficiently and on schedule. For instance, nothing is more inefficient than wasting time waiting for documentation to print because you don’t have a quick printing printer. Not only can high-quality, current software programs and equipment benefit your staff, but they can also improve how clients perceive your organization. You can provide a better experience for your end-users if you are always aware of the state of your IT infrastructure. You can avoid unexpected downtime and manage it when it is required. When downtime is required for maintenance or other reasons, you can notify end users ahead of time to minimize surprises and hassles.

If proper IT infrastructure management decisions are made, you can recover data that’s been lost, destroyed, corrupted, or otherwise compromised. As a result, When calamity strikes, you’ll be able to retrieve and recover company data thanks to backups built into your IT infrastructure, ensuring that end users have access to the information they need to keep functioning without missing a beat.

4.Recovery From a Disaster

A greater emphasis on data backup and recovery in a disaster is part of data management. While Cybersecurity threats evolve and adapt, they are also becoming more prevalent, focusing not only on giant corporations but also on small businesses. A sound business continuity/disaster recovery (DR/BC) strategy can make the difference between a business glitch and a crisis in the event of a catastrophic event. Disaster recovery planning is mainly focused on IT difficulties. It entails the practical specifics of keeping your critical IT activities going, preserving your data, and restoring full network functionality as rapidly as possible.

According to statistics, approximately half of all small and mid-sized enterprises are vulnerable to Cyberattacks. Repair costs, data recovery, ransom payments, lost revenue, downtime, and other losses totaled $149,000 on average. Furthermore, 93 percent of firms that suffer severe data loss, whether due to a Cyberattack or other danger or failure, fail within five years. As a result, disaster recovery has become a critical IT component, hence prioritizing IT infrastructure in firms, businesses, and organizations.

5.Reduction of Costs

Unexpected costs come hand-in-hand with unexpected disasters. As a manager or a business owner, you won’t foresee or manage problems if you don’t keep track of your IT infrastructure. Extended downtime, significant data loss, and a lot of scrambling can all result from this reactive strategy. You may save your organization money during disasters and in the aftermath by being proactive, managing your infrastructure ahead of time, and budgeting for updates you know are coming up to minimize unexpected costs. By prioritizing IT infrastructure, your organization will be better equipped to run more efficiently.

6.Make Better Decisions With Information Technology

As a business owner, if you aren’t already managing and monitoring your IT infrastructure, the chances are that you don’t know how your IT environment is acting or functioning until a disaster forces you to. With a sound and well-managed IT infrastructure, you’ll be able to recognize when to modify and upgrade systems, as well as when to limit risk. With IT infrastructure in place, you’ll also be in a position to know when a patch is required, when your storage capacity has been exceeded when it’s time to update technologies. More so, you can devise a solution before the problem gets urgent.

Action / Solution

Are you interested in optimizing and getting the best out of your organization’s IT infrastructure? Then, we got you! Restore your confidence by reaching out to us at APS Progressive Solutions, as we pride ourselves on providing fast and reliable solutions to all your company’s IT needs. It should be a priority for all firms, regardless of the size or industry, especially in today’s rapidly growing digitized world.



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