Importance of building interpersonal skills in your child

Apurba Digitalgoogly
2 min readSep 12, 2023


In today’s highly connected and rapidly changing world, interpersonal skills are more crucial than ever. These skills include communication, empathy, teamwork, and conflict resolution, which play an essential role in professional life and personal relationships. Teachers from a CBSE school in south Kolkata suggest building these skills in your children at a young age to set them up for success in the future.

students interacting
  • Fostering interpersonal skills in your child helps them develop strong relationships with others. Having a healthy social life is beneficial for emotional well-being and mental health. A child who can effectively communicate their needs and feelings will be able to navigate challenges more efficiently as they grow.
  • Teaching your child empathy allows them to understand and respond to what others feel. Learning this skill helps improve conflict resolution abilities as they can see situations from multiple viewpoints. Your child will be able to navigate workplace interactions and personal relationships easily.
  • CBSE board school in south Kolkata emphasizes teamwork which is essential for success in any field today. Instilling the value of collaboration and cooperation from a young age helps your child to know that sharing ideas and working together brings better results than acting alone. It teaches them that every person has a unique strength and that together they can easily streamline a herculean looking task and help reach the goal faster.
  • Developing strong interpersonal skills helps to boost self-confidence and adaptability. As your child learns to express themselves effectively and navigate complex social situations easily, they can tackle new challenges enthusiastically. In situations where change is inevitable — like going to college or starting a new job –having well-honed interpersonal skills aids their ability to adapt quickly.

Fostering the importance of interpersonal skills in your child can significantly impact their success in both personal and professional aspects of life. Teachers from a CBSE school in south Kolkata advise that teaching them effective communication, empathy, teamwork, and adaptability can improve their social experiences and instill confidence and resilience as they encounter new challenges throughout their lives.

