Most Common Types of Head & Neck Cancers

Apurba Digitalgoogly
2 min readFeb 27, 2023
types of head and neck cancer
Common Types of Head & Neck Cancers

Head and neck cancers are typically classified according to the part where it takes root. This is how the best head & neck cancer doctors in Kolkata have identified and typified the most common head and neck cancers. We have divulged them in the following discussions:

  • Laryngeal Cancer

This cancer is known to form in the larynx, which is located at the top of the windpipe or trachea. Alternatively known as the voice box, this tube-shaped organ also contributes to breathing, talking and swallowing. Laryngeal cancer requires surgery to get better. Your best bet against laryngeal cancer is to visit an experienced head and neck cancer surgeon in Kolkata and undergo regular screenings under their supervision.

  • Hypopharyngeal Cancer

This cancer usually occurs in the hypopharynx, i.e. the lower part of the throat surrounding the larynx. It is one of the most common types of throat cancer.

  • Oral Cancer

Considered to be the ninth most common cancer among men, oral cancer typically forms within the mouth. It can take root in any site of the oral cavity, including the lips and cheeks, teeth, gums, the front of the tongue or the floor and roof of the mouth. If you experience any persistent cyst, lump or polyp-like growth in your mouth, you should not hesitate to consult the best head and neck cancer surgeon in Kolkata.

  • Oropharyngeal Cancer

This cancer forms in the oropharynx, i.e. the part of the throat just behind the mouth. Human papillomavirus (HPV) and excessive tobacco-alcohol uses are the main culprits behind this cancer.

  • Tonsil Cancer

Tonsil, which otherwise acts as the front lines of the body’s immune system, falls prey to cancer because of either excessive tobacco use or infections by human papillomavirus. The best head and neck cancer doctors consider tonsil cancer to be an extremely common affair and believe many people succumb to HPV-related cancer of the mouth and throat every year.

Different surgeries, such as laryngectomy, pharyngectomy, and tracheotomy, can effectively cure all kinds of head and neck cancers. Therefore, if you identify your condition as head and neck cancer, you should not be hesitant to consult the best head and neck cancer surgeons and undergo a thorough treatment.

