React VS React Native: The Key Differences

3 min readAug 7, 2024


React VS React Native: The Key Differences

React and React Native both have become highly effective tools in the rapidly changing field of web and mobile development, each meeting specific requirements. Although they are designed for different purposes, React and React Native are JavaScript libraries that are used to create dynamic web interfaces and native mobile applications, respectively. It is essential for developers who want to properly utilize React and React Native to comprehend the fundamental distinctions between the two technologies. Read this article completely to understand the main distinctions between react and react native.

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What is ReactJS?

ReactJS is a JavaScript library designed to create web application user interfaces. It is one of the most well-known and extensively used JS libraries, having been created and being maintained by Facebook. Through the use of tiny, reusable components, ReactJS enables developers to create dynamic and scalable user interfaces for web apps. Building and maintaining complicated user interfaces is made simpler by the ease with which these components may be updated and controlled separately. Many prominent companies, such as Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Airbnb, and Walmart, employ ReactJS, which has a significant market share. Over the past few years, its popularity has only increased.

What is React Native?

A JavaScript-based framework called React Native was created by Facebook in response to their expanding mobile requirements. With the help of React Native, a hybrid mobile app framework, you can create mobile apps using just one codebase. You may create mobile apps with this JavaScript framework that function natively on several platforms, including iOS and Android. The goal of React Native is to increase productivity and efficiency while creating high-quality, native-feeling applications.

Key Difference Between React and React Native

Now, let’s understand the major difference between React and React Native:

React is mainly utilized to build web applications. It is a JavaScript library that lets developers create more responsive and dynamic web platform user interfaces. React Native is a framework for building mobile applications. It brings the principles of React to the world of mobile app development, allowing JavaScript to be used to create native apps for iOS and Android.

With an emphasis on browsers as the execution environment, React made use of web development tools and environments. It is frequently integrated with other libraries like state management and routing. An environment for mobile development is required for React native. For testing iOS and Android, further setup is needed for mobile SDKs and emulators/simulators.

When rendering components in a web browser, React makes use of HTML and CSS. Rendering and UI updates are optimized by React’s virtual DOM. Native components that correspond to native UI elements on iOS and Android are used by React native. Compared to a standard web-based UI, this leads to a more genuine mobile user experience.

With React’s virtual DOM, frequent UI modifications have less of an impact on web performance. Near-native performance is what React Native offers for mobile apps. It makes use of native components and APIs to guarantee seamless performance on mobile devices.

With a wide range of web development libraries and tools, React boasts a large ecosystem. Within the community of web developers, it is well-established. Compared to React, React native is more specialized even though it has a larger community. Libraries and tools tailored to mobile devices are part of an ever-expanding ecosystem.


React and React Native provide solid solutions for many development needs. With React, you can create dynamic, high-performing web apps quickly and effectively by harnessing the power of the virtual DOM. Conversely, React Native expands React’s functionality for the mobile space, enabling the development of native cross-platform mobile apps from a single codebase. Developers can select the best tool for their particular project demands by being aware of the unique benefits and applications of each, which will guarantee the most practical and efficient route to accomplishing their development objectives.




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