Eisenhower matrix

3 min readOct 30, 2019


Eisenhower Matrix is a method of prioritizing your tasks on the basis of their urgency.

Eisenhower Matrix helps to determine the activities which are important and the ones which do not deserve your attention at all. Often times, you may not realize it but the only thing you need in your life is a little bit of organization and prioritization of what needs to be done to fulfill the overlapping commitments. With that being said, you’re probably thinking it’s not that difficult after all. You’re wrong and right at the same time.

Wrong in a way that if you think just randomly making a to-do list is going to work wonders for you, it will work, but not in a mind-blowing way. And you’re right, with a little bit more effort and by using Eisenhower Matrix, your life will get a whole lot better.

If by now you’re wondering your life will magically become organized by using this matrix, it’s not that easy! But by putting in a little bit of effort, you can get yourself on track. First things first, you need to classify your urgent and important activities. For doing so, you need to set your priorities right and define urgency levels. Your urgent tasks are usually the ones which have a time constraint attached to them.

These activities have a ‘do it now’ written all over them and require your utmost attention. On the other hand, your important tasks are generally long term and rather goal-oriented. Generally, they don’t give you immediate results and are more focused on making better long-term decisions. Here a look to my Eisenhower matrix based on the priorities of my tasks:

When i was making my Eisenhower matrix, i was also thinking that there is no use of it and its bit difficult to follow it. But when i started following it, amazingly it changed my life. I feel it so effective. The day i followed this matrix was very different and better then all the previous days.

I faced many challenges while following this matrix of my day but at the end of the day it proved so effective. Although its challenging to follow this and took a lot of efforts to maintain your life cycle according to it. But once you get a good command on this matrix, the day will be very different for you and you’’’ll perform all of your tasks very well. Its changed my life and your will be also.

When i look back in my past, still it gives me goosebumps about how i was wasting my time and life also, just because of the mismanagement. But now I’m very happy and satisfied as my life is going on a track just because of Eisenhower Matrix.

Thank you Mr. Dwight Eisenhower for giving a direction towards the management.




Trying to bring some positivity and give a fresh new look to the society with my words. Lets bring a change to this society together.