Life Hacks To Accomplish Your New Year Resolutions

Aqeeb Rizwan
6 min readDec 30, 2017


New Year Chapter One

The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new — Dan Millman

It’s that time of the year again when most people start making their new year goals and resolutions unlike some who have already laid out and visualized their goals and plans to accomplish for the upcoming year.

New Year resolutions makes us feel better about ourselves (at least in the planning stage). But as time goes by and the calendar pages are turned, those same resolutions make us feel depressed and stressed out with how things are turning out the way they shouldn’t.

So what really happens and why the same resolutions that once filled up our brains with great enthusiasm and fired our soul with intense power and energy eventually turns into a dull and lifeless state.

What happens is that we in our busy lifestyles either forget our resolutions or fail to execute our plans that would have led to the accomplishment of our goals if we have followed a definite plan.

For some people following a plan or even making one seems to take the life out of them and trust me you don’t need a well written and laid out plan to achieve your goals (small personal goals). If you just know and implement in your lives these life hacks that can help you stick to your resolutions on a long term.


Make sure you can actually do the things after the comma before you think about doing the former.

Before you forget about your resolutions, make sure you write them down on a piece of paper.

If your new year resolution is to actually complete your previous year’s resolution then it would be really helpful to you if you write it in a paper and keep it close so you can see it everyday before going to sleep and after waking up. Most of us are unable to complete our resolutions because we forget about it after a week of making it. Doing this will help us remember the resolution in the first place and act accordingly.

Before you buy that thing which you think you need, learn how to save that exact amount of money in a separate bank account.

If your new year goals are to save money then you should really consider if you really want that new designer handbag to add to your already existing 8 handbags or that ridiculously expensive gadget or medicine that is suppose to magically give you six-pack abs (people actually fall for such things). So when you feel like you need to buy that new accessory or gadget, think again and instead of buying it, save that same amount separately. At the end of the year instead of owning that useless thing which you probably stopped using after 6 weeks, you will have that item’s worth of money saved in your bank account.

Before you purchase a one year gym membership, try and work out at home for a few days.

If your new year goals are to get fit then instead of buying that gym membership like you do every year and quit after 12 days, try to work out at home first. Try body weight exercises first, basic push-ups, squats and pull-ups (if you can at home or go to your nearby playground). This way you can know how long it takes your body to adjust to these basic exercises and you can work out without being under stress of making a commitment to the gym.

Before you become someone’s girlfriend or boyfriend, learn how to be a good friend.

If your new year resolution is to find a great person to be with then instead of picking up random people with cheesy pickup lines, try and be good friends with them and see if that friendship actually works for you. If you can’t be even good friends with each other then it’s most likely that you won’t make a great couple. This way you can avoid being in the wrong relationships and constant heartbreaks.

Before you eat another slice of that 100g cake, learn how to run for 30mins or simply don’t eat it.

If your goals this year is to lose weight then before you stuff another piece of that cake or that bag of chips down your throat, make sure you run for the equivalent amount of time required to burn the extra calories that you consumed that day. If you don’t find time to run or workout then simply don’t eat extra calories than you need. There are plenty of apps on the internet that will help you track your calories.

Before you apply for a position in a company, make sure you do a research about that company.

If your new year goals are to find a new and better job then before applying for a position in a company, do a well research about that company on whether the company’s goals match with your future goals. Doing a research about the company will not only help you get the job but will also help you know if you will be comfortable working there. This way you can save yourself from constantly changing jobs and save the company’s time on recruiting a new person.

Before you scream at someone again, try to take a deep breath and count to ten.

If your new year goals are to control your anger then you should definitely try this one. When you think you are about to burst out on someone, then take a deep breath and count to ten or even better go out of the room (if you are in one). Take a few moments to think if that person really deserved to be screamed at or is it you that have anger issues. It is really easy to just go out of the room or count to ten than saying something to that person which you will regret later.

And finally…

Before you give up, remember that its not over and you are stronger than you think.

So, you tried to keep your new year resolution but failed. Do you know why?It’s not because you are not strong enough but because you didn’t try hard enough or didn’t try one more time. Remember every successful person who has achieved their goals is only because they kept on going day after day. When others gave up, they kept going on and that’s how they are now in the place they wanted to be in.

Lastly if you think you can’t go on anymore, don’t give up. Just take a break for sometime. It’s okay to take a break and keep on trying than giving up at all.

Have any more life hacks that you can add, then let me know in the responses.

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Aqeeb Rizwan

Software Developer. Passionate about Space Travel, Entrepreneurship, Tech, Positive Influencing