GitHub Guide For Beginners

Aqeel Parpia
2 min readFeb 2, 2019


Github brings together the worlds largest community of developers to discover, share and build better software from open source projects to private Teams.

As Being new to Github it was a good experience while trying to file an issue and work on a project and pushing the changes to the origional copy via pull requests .

Looking over the Filer Repository in Github i decided to work on fs.xattr.specs.js according to ES6 by changing the declaration from var to let or const .

Walk through of the whole process that i went through to work on this project.

First i created an Issue to let other developers know that i shall be working on it. This easily be created by going under Issue section and click “New Issue” button.

Once the issue was created i was ready to start working on my assigned work. Therefore i forked the original branch using the Fork button, Where by it creates a copy of the repository under your profile .

Then i cloned the remote repository to my local using : git clone <repository link>

After that i could access the project on my local and used Visual Studio Code as an Editor to make the changes. It is better to create a branch so as it could not create any mess with the master branch.

How To Create a Branch ?

git checkout -b “Branch Name” More Details

Changes are highlighted in Green

After i Finished Making Changes on the file i ran the tests according to the project description To make sure everything passed smoothly.

Lastly i had to push the changes my Git. where by after its done succesfully you can see the changes you have made and be able to compare and make comments on your request.

Working with github Alows you to review other developers work whereby during my workspace i allowed to time to review A developers pull request where i could review and compare the changes and not only see how he fixed the code yet also learn from it.

Reviewed request

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