1 min readFeb 21, 2016

Since 2013, war forced me to convert my “smart phone” into mini laptop. to fight the fear and anxiety watching movies and series were a good sulution.

I think I will keep this hapit for the future with 32gb I can finally watch a full season of blacklist fully translated. downloaded from a DVD center in Aleppo who sell one pirated DVD for 100 sp. and will copy for you any movie/series on any external memory for low price. access to internet in western Aleppo is limited to 3g and lately ADSL but with very low speed due the cutting of Internet line to Aleppo by the “rebels” . the prices for 3g is very high so people no more can download via torrent sites. and coming back to DVD centers were essential. not to mention that most cinemas in Aleppo were closed except Cinema Alzahraa is still fully operated and all box office movies can be seen even with 3D. ticket is now costing 900sp.