6 Tips for Using a Carpet Cleaner on Mattress to Remove Dirt

Aqua Carpet Cleaning
2 min readSep 4, 2015

The expert carpet cleaners suggest that a mattress should be cleaned at least twice a year. It can be done using a carpet cleaning solution in order to remove the coagulated dirt, something which leads to unhealthy spores that are of mold or can be of mildew collected in the mattress due to the changes in the room temperatures. Also when left unclean, it multiplies the microorganisms like bed bugs, dust mites that may breed in the mattress generally feeding on the dead cells of human skin. The bugs are sometimes detrimental to human health when not removed, thereby causing deadly allergies and difficulties in breathing.

Things required for cleaning: Wire brush, water, bucket, and carpet cleaning solution, carpet cleaners, buckets, white vinegar and vacuums.

The cleaning process:

1. The unclean bedding can be placed for washing. After that a the vacuum cleaner with hand equipment will be required, using which each side and corners should be vacuumed in order to extract the maximum possible dist and the allergens.

2. The mattress should be kept upright by the support of a wall and should be vacuumed each side again.

3. Washing with the carpet cleaner with the required dilution and simultaneously checking that no dirt is being, transferring back again in the mattress, all these steps are also important. While making the dilution, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions in the carpet cleaning solution that is being, used.

4. Cleaning with the diluted carpet cleaner with the help of the hand tool of the vacuum cleaner, each side and corner of the carpet is to be cleaned next. Making the carpet too much we will also not be safe as if not dried properly it will lead to mold formation and will also take a huge time to dry.

5. Steam cleaning the entire mattress should be, done before drying.

6. Cleaning the corners and the edges is very important as most people tend to leave these. Once it is cleaned using a mattress protector is the best solution.

Useful tips that must be followed while cleaning :

The doors and windows of the room should to left open in order to keep the room airy, which helps to dry and not make the room smoky with dust. For people who do not have carpet cleaners, it is available on rent these days. A wire brush can also be used.

The water reservoir should not go dry when the steam carpet cleaning is done. Switching of the electricity as required should not be, forgotten to avoid mishaps.

