How Fish Farming Started
I just wished to share this History about fishing and it success so far!

2 min readJun 30, 2021


Fishing started when hunting started. In History of fishing there has been gradual advancement till this present age. Fishing discuss fishery resources generally.

Back then, the spear, arrows... are the implements used and later modified into hooks and nets as technology began to advance.

Hook and net comes into use because of fast moving fish, the hooks where made from woods then advanced to use of bones, gradually advanced to the use of metal hooks in this early age.

Net was made from plant fibre progressively to synthetic nets as technology improves in different forms and shape, then net was built for different purpose eg. Gill net, cast net, predatory net etc.

As Human population increases there is declination of fish in water body because of the need to eat. Then guess work started, people start coming up with ideas of food security and they started craft works, making crafts that can go on water to fish the canoe etc.. THIS grows to meet technology advancement and they started using steam engine then to petroleum source of engine.

Fishing transcend from hunting to food provision untill now it has become the SOURCE OF LIVING, even to every nation, source of income and exchange. Like China it has mightily improve their economy.

World's population began to increase and the necessity's of Aquaculture coming to place kickstart... drastically the population has increased to the rate that Aquaculture Farmers are testifying that they cannot meet Market Demands anymore.

Aquaculture is a practice of fish farming in an intensive or semi intensive system, in a suitable culture medium and substrate.

I'll love to appreciate those who are into Aquaculture Farming, you are a real gem, you are the heart of the nation, you are major producers of the best source of healthy food protein, you are part of the major contributors to the world economy.

Keep motivated, keep Building, keep saving the nation, keep the compassion burning

AquaOrg Africa says keep securing the future of our nation




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