Three Must-Have Aquarium Supplies One Should Have in Melbourne

Aquarium Shop Dandenong
2 min readJan 18, 2023


An aquarium is a beautiful and relaxing addition to any home, and it can be a rewarding hobby for people of all ages. There are many different types of aquarium supplies that you will need in order to keep your fish healthy and your tank properly maintained. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced aquarium enthusiast, these supplies will help you to create a thriving and healthy environment for your fish.

  • Aquarium tanks:

These are the containers that hold your fish and other aquatic life. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes at any aqua shop in Melbourne and can be made of glass or acrylic. Acrylic tanks are generally lighter and more durable than glass tanks, but they may scratch more easily. You should choose an aquarium tank that is appropriate for the size and number of fish that you plan to keep.

  • Filters:

Filters are essential for keeping the water in your aquarium clean and healthy for your fish. They work by removing excess waste, chemicals, and other contaminants from the water. There are several types of filters available, including mechanical filters, which use a physical barrier to remove particles from the water; biological filters, which use bacteria to break down waste; and chemical filters, which use chemicals to remove impurities from the water.

  • Lighting:

Proper lighting is essential for the health and well-being of your fish and plants. It can help to promote the growth of aquatic plants and can also help to prevent diseases in your fish. There are several types of lighting options available, including LED lights, fluorescent lights, and more. It’s important to choose a lighting system that is appropriate for the needs of your particular aquarium.

Owning an aquarium is a rewarding and enjoyable hobby that can bring beauty and relaxation to your home. However, it is important to properly care for your fish and maintain your tank in order to keep it healthy and thriving.


