Artwork by. KALZ

Intuition, Is That You?…4 Ways to Weed Out the ‘Ego’ from Your ‘Intuition’

Aquarius Waive


Depending on your current level of woo-woo the word ‘intuition’ may or may not resonate with you completely, so before we get started, here are variations of what this means.

Intuition is also known as the inner voice, the Higher Self, the Spirit, the Spiritual Body, the Source, the Holy Spirit, and for most…God.

It does not matter what you call it, only that you know it’s calling you.

However, another voice is calling on you and this is the voice of the ego, the ego being the survival mechanism. By the age of seven, this voice is the one that most humans are most familiar with, in fact, most human beings walking this planet only recognize this voice as it has been the only one cultivated over the years, decades, and for some century.

This does not mean that the voice of intuition is no longer relevant intuition much like the ego is always speaking, the reason most of us do not recognize it is due to our familiarity with the ego.

Before I get into the 4 ways in which you can tell the difference between intuition and ego, I do want to make this clear. Contrary to most spiritual teachings, the ego is not an enemy, but instead an aspect of the human psyche that we must transcend as opposed to destroy.

Now, let’s get into why you came.

  1. Fear vs. Faith

Ego: Fear is the primary language of the ego. Most of us would say we are easily able to recognize fear, yet if you asked a majority of people why they do the things they do you would seldom hear the answer like “because I’m afraid. For example, if you had a friend who always complained about how much they hated their just, yet never made any effort to leave, if you asked that friend why they did not do so they would come up with a myriad of reasons such as “good benefits”, to “I’m just waiting for the perfect time”, but in truth, the only reason why most do not do what would serve their highest good is due to fear

Intuition: Faith is the fuel that drives intuition, and it just so happens to be the exact opposite of fear. Faith is belief in the greater good in any and every circumstance. Faith always hopes, and needs no physical evidence, since its origin is the unseen realm that is all-knowing. If you had a friend who left a “secure” “good paying” job to sell books online, you may think you’re witnessing foolishness but in truth what you’re seeing is faith in action.

2. Desperation vs. Inspiration

Ego: The ego always looks to act from a space of desperation. When you feel an impulse to do something due to a deep sense of obligation, fearing the consequences of not doing so, this is a result of the ego calling you into action. The ego always feels as if it must move fast “or else”, which is typical for survival which is always rooted in a need to escape a situation or fight a situation. So, anytime you feel as if you’re deciding a place of desperation you know exactly what you’re dealing with

Intuition: Intuition always, I repeat ALWAYS acts from a space of inspiration. If you’ve ever felt the impulse to do something because it felt so right, even though you couldn’t fully explain it in words or even rationalize it, you’ve witnessed intuition’s call to action firsthand. The intuition will never rush you, however, you will feel a sense of being led or pulled towards something and it will always be “downstream” as Abraham Hicks often states. Though you may be inspired into action, this type of action will always feel most natural to you and you alone.

3. Lack vs. Abundance

Ego: In the eyes of the ego there is never enough to go around, and the more one has the less another has. The ego will always look to compete as a means of survival, seeing the game of life as a one-sum game where some are winners and most are losers. Most of us were conditioned into a consciousness of lack, literally having to reprogram our minds into prosperity consciousness since most of our caretakers were based on their egos. Anytime you have a feeling that there is not enough, that there is only so much to go around, that if you or another get others will not, you are merely dealing with the ego.

Intuition: Since intuition is based on the infinite field of possibilities, it does not only understand abundance but knows it as the only truth. Even in our natural habitats, we see this to be true; an apple drops from a tree, recreating itself a hundred times over, and this process will continue to perpetuate itself indefinitely. If you look to the stars they are countless, the grains of sand are endless, and even the cells of our own body continue to reproduce throughout the entirety of our lives. Abundance is the only reality, which is why intuition always knows there is more than enough for everybody, therefore you will never get an inkling that you cannot do something because someone else is.

4. Doing vs. Being

Ego: This one may be a bit controversial as there are two schools of thought when it comes to action, there are the self-help action junkies, and the self-help couch dwellers. When I speak of doing I am referring to the action junkie; the individual who feels as if they have to work hard to get anything done in this life. This culture has come to reward and even incentive hard work, deeming it as the reason behind much of the success we see in the lives of those who are pedestalized. In truth hard word is not the “secret” to success, and if it feels hard that probably means it’s from a forced state of being, which is what the ego would lead us to do from a feeling of desperation. “Hard” is the language of ego since the Universe is based on ease and the law of least resistance.

Intuition: Being does not mean sitting in the lotus position for hours on end and thinking up Buggatis and mansions unless is what you truly feel called to. What being means is the embodiment of something in its most natural form. We are called human BEINGS, and this is for a reason; at some point in history, our ancestors realized that we are more than this mortal body that does, the core of who we are is unseen and infinite. This is why you will find some individuals who seem to succeed in everything they do yet they do not “work hard”, instead these individuals embody success, and feel success within their very being. Intuition will never have us do anything that is opposed to Universal law but instead guide us along the path of what is most natural, which is why you will never be led to do something that does not feel natural to you.

The How

Now, ofcourse there are far more than four distinguishing factors between the voice of Ego and that of Intution, however the moment you begin to intentionally live in awareness the four above you will begin to see yourself becoming atune to the difference between the two.

The most powerful way in which you can begin to tap in with this level of self awareness is through meditation, there is a reason why it has been used as long as humans have existed as a gateway to the unseen.

I believe that all meditative practices serve their purpose, but for those specifically looking to get answers from their intuition and begin to disassociate themselves from the voice of the ego, I would recommend any form of meditation whose purpose is go into the “silence”, for in the quite you can hear the whispers of the soul.

This does not mean that you have to “stop all thoughts”, but instead be willing to simply be in silence long enough for you to go from the person who entertains and engages your thoughts, to one who is observing them as they come and go.

These practice will be highlighting in present and future blog posts on Om Influence main website with you can access from the link below,

Article by. Aquarius Waive

Artwork by. KALZ

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Aquarius Waive

Your Spirit Guide to Personal Power, Self-Love & Life Purpose 🌱💚🦋