The Pros and Cons of AquaThruster™ Mounting Options

4 min readMay 8, 2024

Maintaining a clean and healthy lake is important to any lakeshore owner, and AquaThruster™ muck blowers are here to help. But with so many mounting options available, it’s important to choose the right one for your needs. Let’s explore the upsides and downsides of each mounting option to help you make the best decision for you and your lake.

Dock Plate Mount

The Dock Plate Mount provides a secure attachment to both the top and side of your dock using bolts, ensuring stability and easy access for maintenance tasks. Suitable for wood or aluminum docks, this mount offers versatility in dock compatibility. However, its less portable nature and requirement for drilling holes in the decking and side of the dock may be limiting factors for some users.


  1. Secure Attachment: The Dock Plate Mount connects securely to both the top and side of your dock, providing a stable platform for your muck blower.
  2. Suitable for Wood or Aluminum Docks: This mount offers versatility in dock compatibility, making it suitable for a wide range of docks.
  3. Easy Access for Maintenance: Attaching the AquaThruster™ to the dock ensures easy access for maintenance tasks, such as cleaning or repairs.


  1. Less Portable: The Dock Plate Mount is less portable compared to other mounting options, as it requires drilling holes in the decking and side of your dock.
  2. Limited Flexibility: Once installed, the mount is fixed in place, limiting the flexibility to move the AquaThruster™ to different locations.

Portable Post Mount

The Portable Post Mount is an excellent choice for docks with posts extending past the surface or for users who prefer easy movement of the unit around the dock. Its easy installation and compatibility with various dock post shapes make it a convenient option. However, its limitation to dock post installation may not be suitable for setups away from the dock.


  1. Easy Installation: The Portable Post Mount can be easily attached to dock posts extending past the surface, minimizing the need for extensive installation.
  2. Flexibility in Movement: This mount allows for quick relocation of the muck blower around the dock, maximizing coverage area and efficiency.
  3. Compatible with Various Dock Post Shapes: The Portable Post Mount can be used with both round and square dock posts up to 4 inches wide, offering versatility in dock compatibility.


  1. Limited to Dock Post Installation: The Portable Post Mount is specifically designed for use with dock posts, limiting its suitability for setups away from the dock.

Truss Dock Mount

Designed specifically for truss-style docks, the Truss Dock Mount offers flexibility in positioning and effective coverage of different areas of the lake. Its sandwich-style attachment to the side of the dock allows for easy movement along the truss. Additionally, it is compatible with the optional 360 oscillator for enhanced functionality. However, its compatibility limited to truss-style docks may restrict its use for other dock types.


  1. Designed for Truss-style Docks: The Truss Dock Mount is specifically designed for truss-style docks, ensuring compatibility and secure attachment.
  2. Flexible Positioning: This mount can be effortlessly moved along the truss, allowing for effective coverage of different areas of the lake.
  3. Optional 360 Oscillator Compatibility: The Truss Dock Mount can be used with or without the optional 360 oscillator for AquaThruster™ muck blowers, providing flexibility in operation.


  1. Limited to Truss-style Docks: Compatibility is limited to truss-style docks, restricting its use for other dock types.
  2. Requires Dock Installation: Like other dock-mounted options, the Truss Dock Mount requires installation on the dock structure.

Freestanding Frame Mount

The Freestanding Frame Mount is ideal for setups away from the dock or where the 360 Oscillator isn’t required. Offering versatility in positioning and easy movement along the shoreline, this mount is suitable for lakes without docks. However, its incompatibility with the 360 Oscillator may limit its functionality for users who require oscillation.


  1. Versatile Placement: The Freestanding Frame Mount is ideal for setups away from the dock or where the 360 Oscillator isn’t required, offering flexibility in positioning.
  2. Easy to Move: This mount allows for easy movement along the shoreline, enabling muck blowers to cover more ground as needed.
  3. No Dock Installation Required: The Freestanding Frame Mount does not require dock installation, making it suitable for lakes without docks.


  1. Not Compatible with 360 Oscillator: This mount is not compatible with the 360 Oscillator, limiting its functionality for users who require oscillation.

Portable Bottom Frame Mount

Specifically designed for use with AquaThruster™ muck blowers equipped with the 360 Oscillator, the Portable Bottom Frame Mount offers enhanced functionality and flexibility. It allows the use of the oscillator without the need for dock installation, providing easy movement along the shoreline for efficient cleanup and maintenance. However, additional components such as the Portable Post Mount and underwater kit may be required for proper attachment, adding to the overall cost.


  1. 360 Oscillator Compatibility: The Portable Bottom Frame Mount is specifically designed for use with muck blowers equipped with the 360 Oscillator, offering enhanced functionality.
  2. No Dock Installation Required: This mount allows the use of the oscillator without the need for dock installation, providing flexibility in setup.
  3. Easy Movement Along the Shoreline: The frame design enables easy movement of AquaThruster™ to any location along the shore, ensuring efficient cleanup and maintenance.


  1. Additional Components Required: The Portable Bottom Frame Mount requires a Portable Post Mount for installation, adding to the overall cost.
  2. Compatibility Limitations: Switching from other mounting options may require additional underwater kit components for proper attachment.

Each AquaThruster™ mounting option offers unique advantages and limitations, catering to different preferences and requirements. Whether you prioritize stability, portability, or versatility, there’s a mounting option to suit your needs. Consider factors such as dock type, installation requirements, and desired functionality to choose the best option for your lake maintenance routine. If you have any questions regarding AquaThruster™ mounts, please contact us.




AquaThruster™ from Weeders Digest! Our lake muck blowers and lake weed removal tools at AquaThruster™ .