The True North of Life

Akua Opoku
3 min readJan 19, 2024


I opened my Medium app some minutes ago to write and I came across this article written by a supposed Christian who explained why he is no longer a Christian. I read through the article… stunned and saddened at the explanation. Even more so, as I read through a lot of the 164 comments. I was horrified by the ideas and thoughts of who people think Jesus was and is, what He did, and why He was on earth. Call me naive or whatever, I know there are ideas out there but I did not realize how widespread they were.

Photo by Michael Carruth on Unsplash

This is not a post to respond to that article, but it just gives me a great platform to stand on to share what the Lord has placed on my heart.

As we go through spots in our lives whether they are smooth or rough spots, they tend to shape our views of life. The reason why I write differently from the next person is that my knowledge through teaching, observation, or experience is different from theirs. My interests are different, and so is what inspires me.

But despite all this, one thing remains the same, as against popular culture, TRUTH. There has developed an idea of ‘my truth’ and ‘your truth’ instead of plain TRUTH. In every situation, there is my side of the story or what is true to me and his side of the story, what is true to him and there is TRUTH.

Truth can never be subjective, it is always objective. It can never be an object of one’s experience, knowledge, or just observation. It is independent of anyone’s experience, knowledge, or observation. Granted what is true to you may align with the TRUTH, but it doesn’t mean that everything you think or feel is the TRUTH.

So we ask as the ancient Governor, Pilate,

“What is TRUTH?” John 18:38

Whereas, the dictionary has several definitions of it, let’s hear what Jesus said.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6

Jesus declared Himself to be the Truth. That is, HE IS THE TRUTH and it is irrespective of what you think or experience or hear or have been taught or how you feel. His person is the objective truth and not what you think He is. If you feel otherwise, you are unapologetically WRONG.

Our world is unfortunately lost, having strayed so far away from the truth. But Jesus did not leave us to blindingly find our way. Before He left the Earth, He introduced to us our road map to Him, The Holy Spirit.

However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. John 16:13

Jesus provided a guide for us to Him, the True North of your life, so that regardless of what happens in your life, you can stay on the right course. And when you want to do your own research into whether He truly is who He says He is or you want to deconstruct your ‘wrong’ beliefs, you do not have to turn to books written by equally or more confused people or attend schools taught by them or listen to sermons preached by them. You can ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into ALL TRUTH.

We are in messy times. People’s voices are getting louder with every springing platform such that it is difficult to hear the distinct voice of the Spirit of Truth guiding us. We cannot afford to leave our knowledge of Jesus in the hands of others. We must know Him personally. We must experience Him personally. And He has provided us with the one Person we need to dig into TRUTH. Will you make use of Him?

In my next post, I will talk about how we can allow the Holy Spirit to guide us.

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God bless You.

