Community Q&A

4 min readJul 11, 2017


1. What is the roadmap of DBIX considering the only thing I can find is Thuraya releasing next month, followed by “developments”. There need…s to be more info from the devs.

We have multiple road maps some of them are for public and community projects and some are for ArabianChain Technology the company and its investors. Regarding the DBIX roadmap and what’s going on at the moment:

1-Upgrading the code base to v.r 1.5 (major upgrade to security and utility) shifting from phase dune to phase oasis.
2-testing new difficulty algorithms to reduce fluctuations in block time and have more steady transactions. (i.e fluxy from ubiq)
2-Documenting the APIs to allow people to connect and enquire needed info from our blockchain.
2-Finlising the Smart builder to allow users to develop smart contracts faster.
3-Working on Thuraya our smart contract programing language (Arabic).
4-Working on a new wallet for DBIX. (MyEtharWallet)

2. Is this coin’s trading and value purely down to speculation of it being adopted by the Arab world?

Speculations are a always there in the trading business. We are working hard to promote our platform, tools and services in the region and that do reflect on the health and value of DBIX. DBIX is a community based project and our company ArabianChain Technology is the main supporter of its development ,roadmap and future.

3. What are the real world use cases for DBIX and what purpose does DBIX itself have in relation to the company ArabianChain? Is it a fuel? It is a token? It is a share/asset?

We didn't issue an ICO and thus it cannot be treaded as shares or equities. DBIX is a fuel for the ArabianChain blockchain, and it’s minable and tradable as a digital currency. We aim to bring awareness and to increase adoption of crypto-currencies and digital assets in the region and we wanted to create a fresh opportunity for Middle-east as most people in the region are unware of blockchain and its applications and they are a bit late to early adoption of famous coins and tokens.

4. What business partnerships are on the horizon? Which Dubai based companies/entities are anticipated to be working with the ArabianChain blockchain and utilize DBIX?

We have secured a major investor in the region which has the reach and the know how of building massive scale organizations and partnerships. More will be shared in our official press release in the coming days. We are working with several entities in the region both in Dubai and Riyadh, and we are building some POCs and pilots with them, mostly we are bound by NDAs and we will share them when we are able to.

5. When will developers be able to start building DAPPS on the ArabianChain blockchain?? Are there any already in development or in existence?

There is nothing stopping developers from doing so now, we will be engaging the community more when our set of tools are ready to ease the development process for new comers to the field. Yes we are testing couple of daaps at the moment for example dbixgold but there is no date for its release yet.

6. What makes ArabianChain any different than Ethereum blockchain and why would the Arab world choose to use it rather than Ethereum outside of the reason of Arabs helping other Arabs out or supporting one another?

ArabianChain started as a fork out of Ethereum geth, we differ in some specifications such as emission rate, yearly cap, current supply, difficulty calculation etc. but ArabianChain will have it’s own unique roadmap in the near future. One of the main reasons we started ArabianChain is the lack of awareness in the region, believe it or not, not many people here are aware of Bitcoin, Ethereum or blockchain technology in general. Introducing ArabianChain to the region was a necessity to fill that gap and to help bring everyone a step closer to todays reality. We are using ArabianChain platform to build that awareness and to allow everyone to have a platform where they can experiment and exploit the potentials of this technology. DBIX also plays a major part into this as we are introducing a new beginning for people who want to invest in crypto currencies, and we insisted not to do an ICO as we believe it’s the right and the fair way to go for building a community based project.

7. No serious exchange will consider adding DBIX until there is some sort of proven utility or real world use case rather than just pure speculation! Please correct me if I’m wrong about this.

ArabianChain Tech. “the company” will use a private instance of ArabianChain blockchain including DBIX to develop all of its business solutions. We have started working on our Islamic Banking product as part of the Islamic digital economy initiative in Dubai and we are addressing needs in the Insurance industry as well as government services. Adding DBIX to exchanges is up to exchanges of course, we are working to show them that we are dedicated and we are fully supporting this project and hopefully with the support of the community we will be considered.

with kind Regards,
Mohammed Alsehli
CEO @ ArabianChain




The first public #blockchain in the region. Empowering the creation of self-executing & globally accessible #smartcontracts. DubaiCoin (DBIX).