Crypto casino suffers major security breach

Arabian Post
Arabian Post News
Published in
1 min readSep 5, 2023


Leading crypto casino has suffered a security breach that allegedly led to a $41.3 million loss. The platform put a temporary hold on deposits and withdrawals after the breach was first detected by security firm Cyvers.

Cyvers first alerted to the breach after detecting abnormal outbound transactions from’s Ethereum wallets to unidentified Ethereum addresses through its AI-powered system.

Most of the stolen funds were taken from’s hot wallet on the Binance Smart Chain, with $17.8 million leaving that wallet, while on Ethereum a total of $15.7 million were moved. On Polygon, the firm’s wallet saw $7.8 million leave its wallets.

The security breach led to the theft of various tokens, including stablecoins that were apparently later converted into Ethereum and distributed to different externally owned accounts. is a massive crypto casino that made headlines in the past for associations with celebrities including Drake and the Formula One team Alfa Romeo. Its total value locked is on a Dune analytics dashboard estimated to be above $2 billion.

Originally published at Arabian Post.



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