Do not neglect dental hygiene when fasting

Arabian Post
Arabian Post News
Published in
4 min readJun 19, 2019


Most people tend to forget about their oral hygiene when fasting because they think that nothing can affect their dental health during the fast. However, taking care of your teeth during Ramadan will help to avoid bad breath and dry mouth.

When it comes to dental hygiene, UAE residents are urged to prioritize this because as saliva decreases Sulphur concentration increases. This can cause halitosis, a condition which worsens with poor dental hygiene. Don’t neglect your dental hygiene because fasting does not mean the absence of normal processes in your mouth.

What Happens When I Fast?

Fasting causes the rise of Sulphur Compounds levels in the mouth; this is what causes bad breath. Many people believe that fasting can help to treat gum diseases; however, this is far from the truth. Due to decreased saliva, plaque and tartar build up easily on your teeth; these two are responsible for cavities and gum diseases. When it comes to dental hygiene UAE specialists advocate for denture wearers to practice oral hygiene during fasting. Dentures cause bad breath and cancer to the parts where they rest.

How to Maintain Your Dental Hygiene When Fasting


Many challenges come with fasting and oral hygiene. Most people are used to bad breath that they think it is normal. However, you can make little changes throughout the day to improve your dental hygiene.

Below are some tips to help you out:

Rinse Your Mouth to Prevent Odor

Although it is forbidden to swallow anything during fasting hours, you can still rinse your mouth. Rinse thoroughly and remember to spit it all out. This process hydrates your mouth and increases saliva, which helps to fight bacteria.

During the non-fasting hours rehydrate by drinking water or fruit juices. Avoid indulging in caffeine and salty delights as they cause dehydration.

Avoid Bad Breath

Bacteria build up in the mouth causes bad breath. The quickest way to deal with bad breath is to brush your teeth using fluoride toothpaste. When it comes to dental hygiene UAE dentists, urge residents to use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste to brush their teeth.

Brushing gets rid of plaque; which causes tooth decay. Plaque contains bacteria which produce chemical substances whenever you eat sugary treats. The chemical corrodes your teeth and causes cavities.

Attend to Dental Emergencies

It is advisable to schedule a checkup with your dental clinic in Dubai before Ramadan, but dental emergencies can be unpredictable. In case you experience any discomfort or pain, pay a visit to your dentist to prevent the condition from worsening. Your tooth might require extraction if the condition is severe. The dentist will give you anesthetic shots instead of painkiller tablets.

Balanced Diet

You might think that the food you consume has no impact on your dental hygiene; however, this is far from the truth. A balanced diet is vital for overall health. Sugary snacks and drink cause tooth decay. When you break your fast remember to stick to nutritious foods because. Lack of nutrients leads to poor dental hygiene. Infections lead to gum diseases, which can cause tooth loss. To maintain dental hygiene, drink plenty of liquids, especially water and eat healthy foods such as fruits, nuts, and whole grains.


If you don’t want to rinse your mouth to avoid swallowing the liquid, you can floss your teeth. When it comes to dental hygiene UAE clinics advice residents to floss during fasting to remove food bits and plaque. Flossing prevents decay and reduces the risk of infections and gum diseases.

If you have sensitive gums, don’t avoid flossing because it prevents bleeding and improves dental health. This technique also prevents gingivitis because unlike using mouthwash or brushing, you can remove the smaller bits. You can also clean between teeth where brushes don’t reach.

Sticky Foods

After a long day of fasting, you might be tempted to snack on chocolate or other sticky foods because they lodge between teeth. Sticky foods remain on the teeth, and they start to rot and can cause cavities and infections. These foods are difficult to remove with brushing; that is why you should avoid them and adopt a healthy dental routine. Dry foods also tend to cause decay when left on teeth for a prolonged period. Remember to rinse your mouth thoroughly if you eat chocolate, dried fruits, and cheese.

Fasting is an important period in most people’s lives; however, some forget small things such as their dental health. Poor oral hygiene can affect your overall health. Infections and dental diseases, lead to poor eating habits. Flossing, brushing your teeth, and eating a balanced diet improve your teeth and gum health. Remember to visit the dentist to check for any issues before starting your fast. If you have sensitive gums, don’t be afraid to floss or maintain a healthy routine. Go for checkup whenever you experience any pain.

Originally published at Arabian Post.



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