Saudi Arabia Lures Global Investors with Ambitious Financial Reforms

Arabian Post
Arabian Post News
Published in
3 min readMay 3, 2024


Arabian Post Staff -

Saudi Arabia’s financial sector is undergoing a significant transformation,with the kingdom setting its sights on attracting a surge of foreign investment.A recently unveiled report,the 2023 Financial Sector Development Program (FSDP),outlines a series of ambitious goals aimed at enhancing the appeal of the Saudi stock exchange to international investors.

One key objective is to increase foreign ownership of free float shares to 17% by 2024.Free float refers to the portion of a company’s shares that are readily available for trading on the stock market.By boosting foreign ownership in this area,Saudi Arabia hopes to cultivate a more vibrant and liquid trading environment,attracting a wider pool of investors.

The Saudi Capital Market Authority (CMA),the kingdom’s financial regulatory body,is spearheading this initiative.The CMA is implementing a multi-pronged approach to improve the investment landscape.This includes streamlining regulations,facilitating easier market access for foreign investors,and enhancing transparency and corporate governance standards.

Furthermore,the FSDP emphasizes the importance of fostering a skilled workforce within the financial sector.The report details plans to expand the reach of the CMA Learning Institute,with the goal of increasing the number of qualified financial professionals.This initiative aligns with Saudi Arabia’s broader Vision 2030 economic diversification plan,which aims to reduce the nation’s dependence on oil revenue and develop a knowledge-based economy.

The report highlights the progress already achieved in the fintech sector.Saudi Arabia has exceeded its 2023 target for the number of operational fintech companies,boasting over 216 currently in function.The kingdom has also witnessed the launch of two digital banks,reflecting its commitment to innovation and technological advancements within the financial sphere.

This focus on fintech aligns with global trends,with many countries recognizing the transformative potential of financial technology.By fostering a supportive environment for fintech startups and digital banking solutions,Saudi Arabia is positioning itself as a regional hub for financial innovation.

The FSDP report underscores Saudi Arabia’s remarkable progress on various financial governance indices.The kingdom secured the top spot in the Corporate Boards Index among G20 nations,signifying the robustness of its corporate governance structures.Additionally,Saudi Arabia achieved impressive rankings in other relevant indices,further bolstering its credentials as a trustworthy investment destination.

The influx of foreign companies relocating their headquarters to Saudi Arabia is another noteworthy development.This trend indicates growing international confidence in the kingdom’s reform efforts and its burgeoning financial sector.By attracting foreign businesses,Saudi Arabia is not only gaining access to valuable expertise but also signaling its commitment to integrating with the global financial landscape.

In conclusion,Saudi Arabia’s financial sector is poised for a period of significant growth,fueled by a combination of strategic reforms,an emphasis on human capital development,and a drive to embrace financial technology.The kingdom’s ambitious goals and impressive progress thus far position it as a lucrative market for international investors seeking new opportunities in the Middle East.

Originally published at Arabian Post.



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