When Companies Should Invest in Training Their Employees — and When They Shouldn’t

Arabian Post
Arabian Post News
Published in
4 min readOct 16, 2019

Most companies invest in training their employees to equip them with the relevant skill to perform specific jobs. Training enhances a workers’ performance and prepares him for future jobs and promotions. After training, employees can meet various challenges faced in the workplace. The leading companies in the UAE take their new entrants through relevant training to enable them to perform their jobs as expected. Employees who go through regular training have knowledge of new techniques and innovative ways of working.

Why Companies Conduct Employee Training

Training is beneficial to both the company and employees. This is because training has taken an important role in the changing internal and external company’s environment. Trained workers do not need tight supervision as they know what is expected in various fields. Employees also perform higher and maximize on the available resources and tools. This means that there is minimal wastage in the company, which saves money. Training also fosters loyalty to the organization as employees are satisfied with their jobs.

When Companies Should Invest in Training Their Employees

When should companies train their employees? There are several conditions that determine when to invest in training workers.

When Internal Systems Can Accommodate the Newly Desired Behavior

When managers see unwanted behavior, they do everything to change this for the benefit of the company. However, these behaviors do not come from a lack of skills. Corporate training in Dubai is beneficial as it helps you to identify and solve any unwanted behaviors among employees.

Many factors around the organization might influence individual behaviors. For instance, culture values and reinforcements, to how managers communicate and value priorities. These factors influence behavior and should not be taken lightly.

Guarantee to Change

All leading organizations hire the best training companies in Dubai. These companies ensure that they define the skills the workers need to acquire as well as how to implement, reinforce, and retain the skills. When an organization recognizes unwanted behavior, they can train its employees to change these behaviors.

The Training Solution Serves Strategic Priorities

When a company adopts a new strategy, hiring a training company in Dubai plays a critical role in equipping the workers with the knowledge and skills required for the success of the organization. However, if training initiatives, such as team building activities, have no discernible purpose, there is a high risk of failure.

When Not to Invest in Training

Sometimes companies invest a lot of money and time in training only to end up with different results than they had anticipated. There are instances when you should not train your workers:

When You Have No Goals

For training to be useful, you ought to have goals you want to accomplish that is which skills you need to inculcate in the employees. You also need a clear strategy on how to achieve your goals. This strategy should include 3–5 core skills and team building games to make this possible. The training should focus on these skills; otherwise, it is better not to conduct any training.

The training should include workers who you want to acquire the skills. If the employees in training will not be on the frontline to use these skills, they should not be included in team building Dubai program. These workers will not be invested in learning anything, and it will be a waste of the company’s time and money.

When You Cannot Find Experienced Trainers

The trainers you choose are as important as training. You should source for established training companies in Dubai which have experienced trainers rather than training companies without reputation. Ensure that the training company you hire has experience working in your area of interest. Although employee training is beneficial, you should not invest in it if you can source for experience trainers.

When You Want to Cover Topics Rather Than Educate Employees

The purpose of employee training is to equip employees with relevant skills to the market. However, some trainers focus on finishing this process that they forget about educating employees.

Competent trainers utilize short sessions and allow breaks. They divide the course into portions that can be easily understood; for instance, training, implementation, repetition, and assessment. This program should involve learning and quizzes to determine if the trainees are getting the necessary skills.

Employees should also be given tools to practice what they learn during team building activities. Repetition reinforces the skills learned, and it becomes easy to implement this knowledge at the workplace.

Employee training is beneficial to both the company and employees; however, sometimes, it is better not to invest in this program. Before investing in employee training, ensure that it addresses a specific need in your company. Also, ensure that your company can sustain the newly acquired skills. Remember to hire corporate training companies with experience in your area of interest. Ensure that the employees you take for training will use the knowledge and skills in the company, otherwise, don’t invest in employee training.

Originally published at Arabian Post.



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