Wikipedia Affirms Its Place in the AI Age

Arabian Post
Arabian Post News
Published in
2 min readMay 4, 2024


Whispers of Wikipedia’s demise due to the rise of large language models like ChatGPT have permeated the corners of the internet. However, experts suggest these anxieties are unfounded, with both platforms likely to coexist and carve distinct niches in the ever-evolving realm of information access.

While ChatGPT excels at crafting creative text formats and answering open ended questions in a conversational style, its factual accuracy remains a work in progress.Wikipedia, on the other hand, stands as a cornerstone of verifiable information, meticulously curated by a global network of editors. This focus on factual rigor ensures Wikipedia’s enduring role as a trusted source for academic research, student projects, and casual inquiries alike.

Furthermore, Wikipedia’s open-source, editable nature fosters a unique advantage. Anyone with access to the internet can contribute their knowledge and expertise,fostering a vast repository of information that continues to grow organically. Conversely,large language models like ChatGPT are dependent on the quality of data they are trained on, limiting their ability to incorporate new information or perspectives unless explicitly included by their programmers.

This isn’t to say that ChatGPT doesn’t pose a challenge. Its ability to synthesize information and generate different creative text formats can undoubtedly prove useful for specific tasks. However, it cannot supplant the need for a platform dedicated to verified,factual information. In essence, Wikipedia and large language models like ChatGPT address fundamentally different aspects of information consumption.

Looking ahead, a future where these platforms complement each other seems more likely than one replacing the other.Imagine a scenario where a user seeking general information on a particular topic first utilizes ChatGPT to get a broad understanding through conversation.This initial exploration can then be followed by a more in-depth dive into verified sources on Wikipedia to solidify their knowledge.

The rise of artificial intelligence in the information domain presents both opportunities and challenges.While large language models offer a novel way to interact with information, they should not be misconstrued as a replacement for established,trusted sources like Wikipedia.Both platforms have distinct strengths and weaknesses, and their coexistence can foster a richer, more multifaceted information landscape for users of all stripes.


This article first appeared on The WIRE and is brought to you by Hyphen Digital Network

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Originally published at Arabian Post.



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