UAE sheikhs launder money through companies linked to Lukashenko

Arab Unreported
2 min readMay 17, 2019


Sheikhs from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) laundered money through the company Sohra Overseas, as well as a number of other enterprises associated with Alexander Lukashenko Viktor, son of President of Belarus.

This is stated in the material published by the Russian Telegram-channel “Negygar.”

The authors claim that annually tens of billions of dollars pass through the Belarusian “laundry,” of which the Lukashenko family allegedly takes up to 5 per cent.

The submission indicates that Sohra Overseas was founded in Belarus to conduct business in the Middle East countries, the CIS and the European Union. It also notes that the company is allegedly connected with the Belarusian businessman Alexander Zaitsev, who several years ago was an assistant to the former Prime Minister Sergei Sidorsky and Viktor Lukashenko.

“Zaitsev has been a resident of the United Arab Emirates for about 10 years, where he has a number of companies registered. Zaitsev is one of the co-owners of the Bremino Group, which in December 2016 opened the logistic complex adjacent to the Bruzgi — Forge Belostoka checkpoint. The director of Bremino Group is a former high-ranking KGB officer Vasily Dementey. The Emirates side has become not only an investor, but also an operator of this multi-modal complex, ”the article says.

Nezygar claims that, given the opening of the Orsha airfield for international flights, the projected acceptance volumes of cargo aircraft to residents registered on the territory of the Bremino-Orsha complex will grow evenly from 100 cargo aircraft per year in 2019 up to 400 ships in 2022. The construction of a railway terminal is also planned. It is designed to handle freight flows between the countries of Europe and Asia, especially the promising direction is the transit of Chinese containers.

The authors insist that the Zaitsev companies are “connected with the smuggling of products into Russia.” In turn, the presidential sports club, headed by Dmitry Lukashenko, is allegedly associated with money laundering.


