Feeding Your Tarantula: Diet and Nutrition Tips

2 min readOct 9, 2023

Feeding your tarantula the right diet and ensuring proper nutrition is essential for its overall health and well-being. As a responsible tarantula keeper, understanding what and how to feed your eight-legged friend is a crucial aspect of tarantula care. In this article, we’ll explore diet and nutrition tips to keep your tarantula thriving.

1. Understanding a Tarantula’s Diet

Tarantulas are primarily carnivorous, meaning their diet consists of insects and other arthropods. In the wild, they feed on a variety of prey such as crickets, roaches, mealworms, and locusts. It’s essential to replicate this diet in captivity to ensure your tarantula receives the necessary nutrients.

2. Selecting Appropriate Prey

  • Crickets: One of the most common and readily available prey options for tarantulas. Ensure the size of the cricket is appropriate for your tarantula’s size.
  • Roaches: Dubia roaches, discoid roaches, or other roach species are excellent alternatives due to their nutritional value and ease of digestion.
  • Mealworms: Suitable for larger tarantulas, but ensure they are not the primary diet as they can be less nutritious than other insects.
  • Locusts: Larger tarantulas can be fed appropriately-sized locusts, offering a variety in their diet.

3. Frequency of Feeding

The frequency of feeding depends on the tarantula’s age, size, and species. Generally:

  • Spiderlings: Feed every 2–3 days with appropriately-sized prey.
  • Sub-Adults: Feed 2–3 times a week.
  • Adults: Feed once a week or every 10–14 days.

Observe your tarantula’s feeding response and adjust accordingly. Avoid overfeeding, as obesity can be harmful to tarantulas.

Ready to expand your tarantula collection? Explore The Spider Shop and support the hobby with this referral link: Explore The Spider Shop.

4. Calcium and Vitamin Supplements

Insects should be gut-loaded (fed nutritious food before being given to the tarantula) to enhance their nutritional value. Dusting the prey with calcium and vitamin supplements occasionally ensures your tarantula receives essential nutrients.

5. Fresh Water is Vital

Always provide a shallow dish of fresh water for your tarantula. Ensure the water is changed regularly to maintain its cleanliness and freshness.

6. Consider Your Tarantula’s Size and Species

Research your specific tarantula’s needs. Some species may have specific dietary requirements or preferences.

7. Monitor Your Tarantula’s Health

Regularly monitor your tarantula for signs of health issues, which can often manifest in changes in appetite or activity levels. If you notice any unusual behavior or symptoms, consult a vet specialized in arachnids.


Feeding your tarantula a well-rounded diet and providing proper nutrition is fundamental for its longevity and quality of life. By understanding your tarantula’s specific needs and following these diet and nutrition tips, you’ll ensure your tarantula remains healthy and happy throughout its life. Always prioritize the well-being of your eight-legged friend and enjoy the rewarding experience of tarantula keeping!




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