Beauty and The Beast ~ Rose Petals

Aramis Thorn
3 min readJun 21, 2020


Beyond the beauty, the smell, and the thorns are the falling petals that mark the brevity of life.

Greetings Dear Reader,

A silent central part of the story is the rose. Its petals are the urgency in the story as they mark the time the Beast has to find love. I find the device beautiful. I also see more clearly its significance as the years pass.

In the story every petal matters for they are the enchantment that measures out the time of Beast. We all are given a measure of time to do what we can to learn better of the Father and his ways. It is the petals, the years, when we realize that more have fallen than remain that we give the rose our attention.

It is Father’s day. I am keenly aware that those of us who have fathers that love us, only have them for so long. Part of taming the beast inside is remembering to love those who gave us life even when the life they gave was not what we wish it had been. It is not enough for me to dismiss the anger. It is not enough to forgive. I must intentionally and actively love.

The dark passenger that lives inside me wants me to live in anger and judge by what is past. It wishes me to wish the past to change and somehow repair my pain and damage. The Father instead wishes for me to forgive and love. He desires that I love even those who were supposed to always be my allies but became my enemies. It wishes for me to walk in peace with everyone.

The rose petals of time remind me that I do not have as long as I think to do this. They fall one at a time and there are more that have fallen than remain on the bud. There are things I long for on this particular day that cannot be so. I must use my faith in and love for the Father to live the truth that I cannot make things as I wish them.

What I can give to the Father today is trust that he will make things as they should be. He will heal all the wounds in me and those I have caused in others. The Father will make all things right even if he does not do so until after my last rose petal falls. Part of quelling the beast is to live always beyond the time I have. Paradoxically, I must do that in each moment of life. I must see the greater vision and apply it to my current instant every single moment.

As we investigate this beautiful story, Dear Reader, let us remember that we are to redeem the time. Doing so means loving those who gave us life even if in our minds they do not deserve it. We cannot follow Christ and dismiss our fathers. We cannot claim to be good loving people and not show love to those we are required to honor. It is hard for some of us. It is also necessary for peace.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn

Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”

(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.

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