The One Ring ~ Frodo

Aramis Thorn
3 min readMay 11, 2020


If we are to understand the redemption in the Lord of the Rings, we must understand that Frodo failed.

Greetings Dear Reader,

When the ring passes to Frodo, the Lord of the Rings story begins. We begin again in the Shire and things are much the same as they were. Frodo sets out on a long journey to return the ring to the fires of Mount Doom. This is the only place it could be destroyed.

Throughout the story the grip that the ring holds on Frodo is obvious. The weight of it burdens him and he moves through Middle Earth in a state of constant danger. As he travels toward what he believes is a one-way journey to destroy the ring, he also believes that he will have the will and courage to destroy the ring. He does not understand how firm the ring’s grip is on him.

He is filled with sadness and pain under the burden of what he must do. It is clear that he never fully recovers from the wound the Nazgul deliver on Weathertop. His heart is good but the constant struggle against the power of the ring wears away at him until he reaches Mount Doom. It is there, at the last moment that he chooses. He thinks that he will use the ring to rule and set things right. Gollum bites off Frodo’s finger, regains the ring, and falls into the fires of Mount Doom. The ring is destroyed but not without claiming a final victim to its power. In truth, Frodo did not triumph over the ring.

Like him, we have sometimes carried power for too long and held it too tightly. We have grasped at things that, in the beginning, were intended for good. When it comes time to let go, we hold on for too long. We grasp too tightly. We lie to ourselves believing that we will continue to do good when we are already on the path to self-destruction.

There is a very thin line between carrying this burden with sadness that contains hope and then holding power to please our own wants. In the moment of letting go, there may be great pain but on the other side, there is life and light. I think that the great sadness that clung to Frodo was the knowledge that in the end, he failed to let go. He chose the ring over his quest.

I too carry such a sadness. It is beyond tears and haunts me. It is also filled with hope that things beyond me unfold as they should. The power of the Father to work all things together for good reminds me that my poor choices will be trumped by his designs. There will always be a shadow over my heart until all things are set right. There will also be the certain knowledge that when things are made good again, I too will be free from that shadow.

It is in this hope that I journey, Dear Reader. Each of us fails along the path and like Frodo we make selfish choices. None of it surprises the Father and he has already set his will to redeem us. It is why faith and redemption are so key to this journey. We can see beyond the doom to rescue by the eagles, the blooming of the white tree, and boarding the final ship to that Undiscovered Country. I promise to help you have courage until we get there.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn

Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, “That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”

(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.

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