Specular Map Three JS: A Fantastic Tutorial

5 min readMar 26, 2024


The specular map is a texture image that affects the specular surface highlight on
MeshLambertMaterial and MeshPhongMaterial materials. Using the specular map, you will be
able to set the shininess of a surface by giving the a grayscale value from white to black or from
0 to 255. The white points will reflect the light more and the dark points will reflect the light less.
In this tutorial, we will create a sphere geometry and map the texture of the globe on then. Next,
we will use the grayscale specular map of the globe to determine the shininess on the surface of
the globe.
In this tutorial, we will also create the a GUI to set different parameters like the shininess,
the intensity of the light, the color of the light source, the material and so on. If you would like to
enhance your design portfolio in Three JS, follow along with this tutorial.

A simple example from scratch:

We will get started with the main elements of a Three js scene, including the camera,
the renderer, the scene, and the object. Before doing that, we use the Vite plugin to
easily create all the folders and files you need to run the Three.js code. First off,
create a folder in the directory of your projects by using the following commands:

Coppied to clipboard.

mkdir SpecularMap

cd SpecularMap

Then, inside of the your project folder, create the necessary files and folders by
simply running the Vite plugin command:

Coppied to clipboard.

npm create vite@latest

Then enter the name of the project. You can write the name of your project as the
name. And also the package (the name is arbitrary, and you can choose anything
you want). Then select vanilla as the framework and variant. After that, enter the
following commands in the terminal. Notice that here SpecularMap is the project
folder's name, and thus, we have changed the directory to SpecularMap. The
name depends on the name you enter in the Vite plugin :

Coppied to clipboard.

cd SpecularMap

npm install

Afterward, you can enter the JavaScript code you want to write in the main.js file. So,
we will enter the base or template code for running every project with an animating
object, such as a sphere. Also, do not forget to install the Three.js package library
every time you create a project:

Coppied to clipboard.

npm install three

For this project, we need to install dat.gui package as well:

Coppied to clipboard.

npm install --save dat.gui

Implementing the specular map:

Now, enter the following script in the main.js file:

import * as THREE from 'three';

import OrbitControls from 'three/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls';

import Stats from 'three/examples/jsm/libs/stats.module';

import GUI from 'dat.gui';

const scene = new THREE.Scene();

const light = new THREE.PointLight(0xffffff, 2);

light.position.set(0, 5, 10);


const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(


window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight,




camera.position.z = 3;

const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();

renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);


const controls = new OrbitControls(camera, renderer.domElement);

controls.screenSpacePanning = true;

const SphereGeometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(1,50,50);

const material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial();

const texture = new THREE.TextureLoader().load('img/globe.jpg');

material.map = texture;

const specularTexture = new THREE.TextureLoader().load('img/SpecularMap.jpg');

material.specularMap = specularTexture;

const globe = new THREE.Mesh(SphereGeometry, material);

scene.add (globe);

window.addEventListener('resize', onWindowResize, false);

function onWindowResize()

camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;


renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);



const stats = Stats();


const options =


FrontSide: THREE.FrontSide,

BackSide: THREE.BackSide,

DoubleSide: THREE.DoubleSide,



MultiplyOperation: THREE.MultiplyOperation,

MixOperation: THREE.MixOperation,

AddOperation: THREE.AddOperation,


const gui = new GUI();

const materialFolder = gui.addFolder('THREE.Material');

materialFolder.add(material, 'transparent');

materialFolder.add(material, 'opacity', 0, 1, 0.01);

materialFolder.add(material, 'depthTest');

materialFolder.add(material, 'depthWrite');

materialFolder.add(material, 'alphaTest', 0, 1, 0.01).onChange(() => updateMaterial());

materialFolder.add(material, 'visible');

materialFolder.add(material, 'side', options.side).onChange(() => updateMaterial());

const data =

color: material.color.getHex(),

emissive: material.emissive.getHex(),

specular: material.specular.getHex(),


const meshPhongMaterialFolder = gui.addFolder('THREE.MeshPhongMaterial');

meshPhongMaterialFolder.addColor(data, 'color').onChange(() =>

material.color.setHex(Number(data.color.toString().replace('#', '0x')))


meshPhongMaterialFolder.addColor(data, 'emissive').onChange(() =>

material.emissive.setHex(Number(data.emissive.toString().replace('#', '0x'));



meshPhongMaterialFolder.addColor(data, 'specular').onChange(() =>

material.specular.setHex(Number(data.specular.toString().replace('#', '0x'));



meshPhongMaterialFolder.add(material, 'shininess', 0, 1024);

meshPhongMaterialFolder.add(material, 'wireframe');

meshPhongMaterialFolder.add(material, 'flatShading').onChange(() => updateMaterial());

meshPhongMaterialFolder.add(material, 'combine', options.combine).onChange(() => updateMaterial());

meshPhongMaterialFolder.add(material, 'reflectivity', 0, 1);


function updateMaterial()

material.side = Number(material.side);

material.combine = Number(material.combine);

material.needsUpdate = true;


function animate()


globe.rotation.y += 0.01;




function render()

renderer.render(scene, camera);



Now if we save the code, and enter the following command in the terminal:

Coppied to clipboard.

npm run dev

The above script will give the following result:

As you see, we have a rotating globe with the effect of the sun light on the oceans
and not on the lands, which is the effect of the specular map. You can set different
parameters on the GUI. For instance you can change the shininess of the light
source, and also the color of it.

The Specular Map:

Before we get into the details of the code, it is important to notice that we should
create a folder in the project directory and call it img. Then inside of that folder paste
in the below images related to the texture of the globe and the specular map of it

Explaining the code:

As always, we added the necessary elements of every scene, such as the scene
itself, the camera, the renderer, the material, the geometry, the orbit controls, and the
animation function. Notice that we also imported all the necessary packages for our
The main part of this code is related to the type of the material, the light
source, and the texture mapping. We also wrote many lines of code related to the
GUI ( you can skip that part of the script, and yet you will get the same result with the
difference that you cannot change the options using the GUI.)
We used the main texture of the globe (the RGB photo or the map of the
globe) and the specular map containing the RGB values related to the shininess of
the surface of the texture, which also represents the land and the sea. For the
material, you can use either the Lambert or the Phong material to be able to get the
effect that you want. For the light source we should preferably use the point light to
be able to simulate the sun light.


In this tutorial, we have managed to create a realistic globe with the shininess effect of the sunlight on the seas and a weaker effect of such on the lands using the specular map in Three JS. Moreover, we created a GUI for the user to set the preferred shininess on the object’s surface (globe).

We learned what kind of material, color, light source, and mapping we needed to get the different shininess effects on the different sections of the surface of an object. This was an excellent practice to get the effect we wanted on the surface of various objects with the same mapping.

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