Walking All Alone…

Arathi Shankri
4 min readOct 8, 2019

Off late when I go for my morning runs, it just hits me that I am all by myself on the walking path; stretching, taking deep breaths, nomadically browsing the song list, getting ready to run…All alone.

My morning routine is that time of the day when streets are calm after school buses have left and working parents have left too. So, it’s not surprising to see less people around, but after going through a busy morning myself, the silence is mind boggling.

That’s when, while warming up, I wonder how, many a times, you have to walk all by yourself in life, not literally but metaphorically. You will have all your loved ones; husband, children, mom, brother, friends, walking along side on a parallel track but ultimately you have to walk the path that’s yours all by yourself.

I grew up with my parents & brother by my side all the way until I came to US. My father decided what discipline I should go into (am forever indebted to him for that!) and my mom helped me with the rest. In college, I had my friends with me all the time in my classes, projects, movies and even sharing paani puri (of course, that’s food!). But end of the day, it was me keeping tabs on how much time I spent on the phone talking to my friends or celebrating their birthdays, because it would have been me lingering longer on my disappointments than my parents or friends. And eventually, friends…

