Impacts of Artificial Intelligence


Arav Jain
4 min readAug 12, 2023

“Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks.” — Stephen Hawking

Artificial Intelligence often referred as AI is a contemporary technology qualified to do tasks that require human intelligence and discernment. It is installed in applications, machines, robots as well as websites, in order to increase their productivity and efficiency. This has already been implemented in various spheres of the market such as healthcare, education, transportation so on and so forth. Besides, numerous examples of this technology have almost become a part of our daily lives. A substantial example of this is ChatGPT made in Python owned by an American Company OPEN AI, which is capable of communicating, playing, as well as helping its users refraining them from beavering like a bee. It’s undoubtable to claim that when any technology is launched in the market, they have a significant impact. This includes one of the basic, miniscule objects in a bank, an ATM machine (Automated Teller Machine) which chewed up the jobs of Tellers in the 1970s. However, this extortionate technology will have a much more colossal impact than any other technology and will certainly bring innumerable changes in each aspect of the society.

Firstly, the most concerning part is the job market. It’s a dirt-common misconception that AI will deplorably conquer jobs and spur the rate of unemployment. On the contrary, Artificial Intelligence will faithfully fulfil its fanciful responsibility of developing jobs. Definitely, this pivotal innovation will replace posts like drivers, domestic workers, surgeons, artists, along with financial consultants in the subsequent years to come. Anyway, this will also escalate the demand for jobs like Robotic Engineers, Software Engineers, Data Scientists, AI Ethicists, Business Intelligence Developers, Website Developers, and so on. The World Economic Forum concluded in 2020 that by 2025, AI will take away 85 million jobs, and generate a mammoth 97 million jobs globally.

In addition to this, the accuracy and rapidity of this technology which is spreading like wildfire is commendable, putting icing on the cake. This mechanism gives its users a meticulous product at lightening speed for which they might have to climb an enormous mountain without using AI. This very day, AI can build multiple paintings in nanoseconds without requiring any artist and in the future years to come, perhaps it can even do surgeries or medical consultancies. Probably, AI will be providing financial aid to adequately facilitated companies like Microsoft or Apple. Currently, a lot of research is being done on driverless cars which are anticipated to be in the society within a decade.

Anyhow, every luminous light has its coal-black shadow. This rampant technology can also be utilised for pessimistic actions like scams. A frequent one is manipulation of voice which AI can do with 85% accuracy. Scammers change an audio clip demanding something, into a victim’s family member’s voice. Since the victim is in this misinterpretation of his family member’s voice, he fulfils the demand which actually the scammer actually made. These demands are time and again about wealth primarily. In other cases, the victim’s personal data is stolen through hacks and then are compelled to fulfil their demands in order to get their data back. Moreover, our reliance on machines enlarges adding fuel to the fire. This may cause health issues, addiction and more. Apart from this, critical thinking skills are diminishing with the swelled use of this menacing technology.

Conclusively, Artificial Intelligence is an upcoming technology which will influence almost everything. It is essential for us to adapt to this technology rapidly. With its beneficial pros, it’ll bring up its adverse cons as well. In my opinion, this is an exceptional technology only if it is used in an optimistic manner and should advance to change our society.



Arav Jain

I, Arav Jain presently studying in middle school, have a interest in Computers, Sketching, Cricket, Mathematics along with current affairs.