9 Yoga Poses And Mantras For Happiness

Chaterine Lennox
2 min readJul 12, 2017


What is the ultimate aim of life?

Maybe the wonderful philosophers of the time are far much better equipped to answer this question, but in my humble view it’s only to be very happy.

The purpose is to produce pleasure your impartial point — your beginning point for each daily. Selecting joy from the minute that you awaken, as opposed to feeling that it’s something which you need to attain.

Our avenues alter, jobs are lost, hearts break, we lose people near us and we could lose our leadership within this ever-evolving landscape. But if we could discover a way to become pleased at our heart through all this, I really think that we are able to find our inner peace.

Happiness Is Your Birthright, So Claim It

Choosing happiness needs us to be current. We can decide to shed ourselves in panic, anger, or grief, OR we could choose to grin and think positively and bring all this fantastic positivity in our own lives and practice gratitude rather!

Learn how to understand how valuable that decision is every morning once we wake up. 1 simple choice that may change the entire shape of your daily life!

Be among the folks who choose to become all they are, to enjoy regular, and get the most from existence and actually truly live this, and not simply exist inside.

Poses and Mantras Next=>

