Published inField of the Future BlogThe Language of Social Presencing Theater: Words That Express the WordlessSocial Presencing Theater has been an integral social change practice of the Presencing Institute, developed over fifteen years, in rooms…Jan 7, 20221Jan 7, 20221
Charles Starrett and Jung Starrett attended our most recent Presencing Institute u.academyWe use Sutra as a platform to invite participants to connect and share. Charles wrote this wonderful piece on the Sutra which offers…Oct 6, 2021Oct 6, 2021
Published inField of the Future BlogFour Reflection Processes on the VillageThe Village is one of the oldest practices in Social Presencing Theater (SPT). It arose in the 1970’s when dance improvisation was about…Jul 17, 2019Jul 17, 2019
Published inField of the Future BlogAdvanced SPT Training Cohort 5: Deepening and BroadeningIn March twenty-seven SPT practitioners completed the year-long SPT Advanced Training in Berlin. Kate Johnson, Manish Srivastava, and…Apr 15, 2019Apr 15, 2019
Published inField of the Future BlogFirst Social Art Residency in the YucatanAt the recent 10-day Social Art Studio in Mexico a group of 7, mostly non-theater/non-poet artists, created a haiku performance. The…Mar 26, 2019Mar 26, 2019