Underlining the feature on recent database technology

Araya Sangmahachai
1 min readFeb 26, 2023


With the new storage technology, NoSQL allow the developers can get many benefits from its capabilities. The flexible data models with flexible schema which enables users to make change to the database easily as anytime as requirement. Besides, it can be integrated with the new application feature quickly and that would be fast satisfied the main users. Horizontal scaling allows developers to migrate (or scale out horizontal) the whole contents from larger to smaller capabilities. Meanwhile most SQL databases only require.

vertical scale-up which allows user to transfer data to larger or expensive server when its capacity will be exceeded. The next benefit is fast queries which enable users can process the queries faster than the normal SQL database. Creating SQL database, data process needs to be normalized and yielding data need to join data from one or multiple tables. Joining data would be more difficultly when data size goes up scale. Unlike the NoSQL database, storing infrastructure was designed to queries optimization. In addition, the queries do not require joining, so that it would be faster than joining entities. Move on to the last feature is easy to use for users because the NoSQL data structures are mapped to the programming languages. Therefore, developers will store data in the same ways with their application code and programming code would be short. So, some processing steps can be skipped for faster development and the errors could be less.

