How to mute your microphone or camera on Windows and remapped it to a dedicated single button —…I guess everyone who works from home will understand the situation when we are in a meeting and the speaker is interrupted by noise from…Jun 15, 2022Jun 15, 2022
Why i choose gatsby and host it using NetlifyI see a static page would be the easiest one to create a simple landing page. But it might be too easy to create simple HTML + CSS +…Oct 25, 2019Oct 25, 2019
Learn Git Command (Do not always depend on GUI tools)I start using Git with help of TortoiseGit. That is because I come from the SVN world which has TortoiseSVN as my main hammer.Oct 23, 2019Oct 23, 2019
Why you should consder TDD ?When I try unit testing for the first time, my opinion is.. what cool stuff to extend a deadline.Oct 5, 2019Oct 5, 2019
Investasi di IGrowSingkat cerita, setelah lama mencari instrumen investasi yang halal, akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk berinvestasi di IGrow. Pasti kamu sudah…Jun 21, 20191Jun 21, 20191
Tipe Client — postingan lamaUdah lama ga buka medium, ternyata ada draft yang nyempil sejak 2016 :D lanjutin deh..Feb 3, 2019Feb 3, 2019