10 Basic Exercise to get you started in Python | Part-3

Dev Genius
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2022


These Exercise is the continuation of Part-1,2 of this blog. If you have not read Part-1 here is the link :- https://medium.com/@arbaazkan96/10-basic-exercise-to-get-you-started-in-python-4d0aa6a3b185

Part-2 here is the link :- https://medium.com/@arbaazkan96/10-basic-exercise-to-get-you-started-in-python-part-2-5e7ddf83020b

Now lets begin with Exercises

Exercise 1) Solve the quadratic equation

# The sqrt() function retrieves the square root
from math import sqrt
# The quadratic equation has the form a*X*x+b*x+c = 0
# When the coefficients a,b,c are known, we are dealing with a
# Specific quadratic equation. The root of the equation are the
# values of the variable x for which a particular equation
# Becomes true. What equation should be solved ?
a = float(input("a = "))
b = float(input("b = "))
c = float(input("c = "))
# Calculating the discriminant
d = b*b-4*a*c
# If it is greater than zero, then the equation has two roots
if d > 0:
x1 = (-b+sqrt(d))/(2*a)
x2 = (-b-sqrt(d))/(2*a)
print("x1 = %.2f; x2 = %.2f" %(x1,x2))
# If the discriminant is less than zero, then the equation has only
# root.
elif d == 0:
x1 = -b/(2*a)
print("x1 = %.2f" % x1)
# Otherwise (if the discriminant is less then zero), the equation
# Has no roots.
print("No roots")

Exercise 2) Guess the random number

from random import randintsecret_number = randint(1,100)
user_num = -1
try_count = 1
while secret_num != user_num:
print("%d try:" % try_count, end="")
user_num = int(input())
if user_num < secret_num:
print("Too less")
elif user_num > secret_num:
print("Too much")
print("You guessed it!")
try_count +=1

Exercise 3) Output of the ASCII character table

# Display in tabular form characters 32 through 127, inclusive.
for i in range(32, 128):
if (i-1)%10==0:

Exercise 4) Expanding a string like “a-z”

# Two letter of the English alphabet are given display a string
# That includes, in in order, all letters of the alphabet from the # Given first letters to the last one inclusive.
first = input("The first: ")
last = input("The last: ")
while first <= last
print(first, end="")
first = chr(ord(first)+1)

Exercise 5) Multiplication table (while)

# Using the "While" loop, print the multiplication table to the 
# screen
i = 1
while i<10:
j = 1
while j < 10:
i += 1

Exercise 6) Multiplication table (for)

# Using the "for" loop, print the multiplication table to the screen
for i in range(1,10):
for j in range(1,10):
print("%4d" %(i*j),end='')

Exercise 7) Convert a number from the decimal number system to any number system with base up to 9

# A decimal number and base of another number system (up to and 
# including 9) are given. Write a program that converts the decimal
# number to the specified numeral system.
num = int(input())
base = int(input("Base(2-9): "))
if not (2<=base<=9):
new_num = ''while num > 0:
new_num = str(nun % base) + new_num
num //= base

Exercise 8) Factorial

# Write a program that calculates the factorial of an integer
n = int(input())
factorial = 1
while n>1:
factorial *= n
n -= 1

Exercise 9) Output of the N items of the series 1, -0.5, 0.25, -0.125, …

# The user enter the number of elements of the sequence to be 
# Displayed on the screen. Print specified number of elements
# of the sequence 1, -0.5, 0.25, 0.125,...(each next element is
# twice less in absolute value than the previous one and has the
# opposite sign)
n = int(input("Number of items: ")
item = 1
while n>0:
print(item, end='')
item = item / -2
n -=1

Exercise 10) Count the even and odd digit of the number

# A natural number is entered. The program Should determine how many
# Numbers are contained in this number and how many are odd
a = int(input())
even = 0
odd = 0
while a>0:
if a % 2 == 0:
even +=1
odd += 1
a = a//10
print("Even: %d" %even)
print("Odd: %d" %Odd)

