MVP Review

3 min readDec 19, 2017


Here we’ll look at the main interface and functional segments of the Arbidex Minimal Viable Product. You can discuss everything in our Telegram chat.

Main Trading Window

Main Trading Window

On the left part you can see the list of connected exchanges. Right now it is Bitfinex, Bittrex, Wex, Poloniex, Kraken. Plus, we’re almost done about connecting GDAX.

Below the list of exchanges is a list of cryptocurrency pairs available for trade on current exchange.

On the center part of the screen you can get access to your balances and order history (on the right side), Level 1 and Orderbook (on the left) and trade history (in the middle). Basically, it already has exchange functionality.

Basic exchange functionality.

Single Window Trading

This is Single Window Trading (SWT) functionality. It means you can buy or sell any amount of cryptocurrency without affecting an exchange rate. There’s a “Mix” button that will mix your big size order to a number of small orders on different exchanges so you won’t lose money on selling or buying.

SWT — Single Window Trading

The last feature we would like to show you is…. automatic arbitrage!

Arbitrage chains

This is usually being called arbitrage chains. It is a process of exchanging, for example, BTC on one exchange to BTC on another exchange but thought a several intermediate assets (1–5). We earn a small percentage on each of this transactions. This is what it looks like:

Automatic Arbitrage Statistics

As you can see, on November 29 we’ve earned 3.07832 BTC and that was 1,376% profitability. Total number of arbitrage chains is 6908, but right now it might be up to 55,000. This is a visualisation of last arbitrage chains:

This MVP is not a public version for now because we’re working on token implementation to this structure. Our token will let you to decrease trading commission fees, increase limit of your deposit for arbitrage operations.

User Profile

Right now user can create his profile on the platform, pass KYC procedure and turn on 2FA security function.

KYC functionality

Everybody wants to try to trade on the platform but before going 100% public we want to make sure everything works perfect and token is well implemented to the platform. If you want to see how it looks like, check this video:

We remind you that you can discuss MVP in our Telegram chat.




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