30 Minutes for the Future

Arbiz Platform
4 min readDec 10, 2017


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And don’t make the face like Robert Downey Jr., saying « have bored with the theme of consumer society»!

It is our life, more over, it is Your life!!!

Maybe society has intuitively truly chosen a way of development in the sphere of information technologies? And the new step of the decentralized systems of blockchain is not the purpose is a tool! And this tool is capable to optimize a consumption chain with advantage both for society, and for corporations! We are the team of creators of the Arbiz platform — too only the peculiar tool of society, and Your’s, for creation of any production of goods necessary for you which will serve you long time!

How it warks?! Everything is simple and clear:

Our project consists in creation and development of the research Arbiz platform based on technology a blockchain and big-data which will be created for the solution of a key problem of the market — to provide operational feedback between “seller” and “buyer”, between team of the project and the investor.


Carrying out researches by means of polls, questioning, focus groups, etc. that most precisely and quickly to receive qualitative result.


+ to increase quality of feedback for improvement of understanding of needs of target audience;

+ quickly and truly to hear opinion of the consumers;

+ to lower marketing expenses and cost of production,

+ to increase influence of clients on process of creation of a product,

+ users will be able to earn tokens, participating in market researches,

+ to conduct any marketing survey on a subject which concerns it.

+ to provide qualitative feedback with a beginner a blockchain projects (ICO, startups, etc.) between founders and investors;

Features of ARBIZ:

  1. Objectivity. Information arrives from the maximum number of users. In exchange for the answers users of service receive Arbiz token — the international unit, liquid and free from the commissions, taken in community for calculation unit.

2) High speed of data acquisition and their processing. By means of the distributed decentralized system of data storage the obtained information is processed as fast as possible and the result is available already in a few minutes after start of a research.

3) Confidentiality. The user himself defines what information on itself to provide: sex, age, hobby, make of the car, phone model, marital status, etc. The platform doesn’t demand for registration in system any data on the identity of the user, providing his full anonymity due to use of creation of couple of opened and closed key.

4) Accuracy. During creation of a market research users can set a set of criteria when forming selection, as much as possible outlining the target audience.


The producer of baby food, resolving an issue of the product range for Jamaica, defines that survey has to be conducted among women aged from 22 up to 35 years living in Jamaica which have at least one child aged from 6 months up to 2 years regarding existence of preferences or presence of an allergy at the child. The platform will automatically select the respondents corresponding to the criteria specified by the user: sex, age, presence of children and their age, region.

Arbiz plans to be leader in development of the decentralized systems of decision-making and researches. Considering that technologies a blockchain are in embryo and the global decentralized platform for carrying out effective market researches won’t appear for one night, it is very important to join in process of her development and investment into the project which includes advanced technologies and advantage for the real sector of economy in time.

Already today there passes the first round of investments (ICO) which will last until the end of February. You can make to help society, yourself and to carry out favorable investments! Advantage from all directions!

Join to our Team!

For more detail on www.arbiz.biz

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