Enter the Cryptocurrency to the Real Production Sector!

Arbiz Platform
4 min readNov 10, 2017


The majority of models, the ICO projects in modern society goes in cycles in cryptocommunities and solves only their problems. It is clear — there are the main investors and followers, innovators of new technological tendencies.

At all this, the society and all of us needs to eat something, to dress, to live somewhere and to consume something. It is desirable that this “something” and “somewhere” corresponded to our desires most fully. This aspiration is proved, all of us pay for it the money!

Remember how many times you bought something that fast has been broked or didn’t meet your expectations. How many times were you had to back the thing or to be reconciled with it’s shortcomings?

Honestly, it has bothered us. Why when I pay money for goods, sometimes considerable, I have to be reconciled with something? For the Producer, before to release something, it would be worth to learn more about preferences of the consumers. And not only through the focus-groups or vision of the marketing specialist or engineer. Ask the buyer himself!

It became the main reason for creation of the Arbiz platform. Today I want to tell you about it in detail, the first round of investments will begin already on November 15 and hard-cap is limited by only 100 ETH.

Main idea of the platform: “Before to create something — whether to know is it necessary for people!” And if it is necessary, how exactly it is necessary for them as it should be realized!

The idea is very simple! You installing the Arbiz-application to the smartphone. At registration you specify any data which you will count is necessary: sex, age, hobby, marital status, income level, preferences, etc. But NOT the name and personal data — on aren’t necessary. The platform protects your personal data.

Further, the Company, that testing a Product or the Idea or Strategy, creates the questionnaire and chooses Criteria of the target group. The system automatically select users of the application by the Parameters and will distribute invitations to acceptance in poll. You approached in parameters, and passed the research in several minutes and upon termination of you’ll get the reward (Arbiz tokens) that is automatically comesto your wallet. Then the system automatically analyzes the received results from all respondents and gives result of the company already in a few minutes after the period of carrying out a research has expired.

As a result: You have automatically earned reward. The Company has received the objective answer to the interesting questions and has created those goods or product line which it is necessary. The Society has received item in shop most of which precisely corresponds to his requirements. You can spend Arbiz token in the platform: to buy the necessary goods on MarketPlace or service from the freelancer or to conduct a research of the idea for your own startup that will increase your chances of success!

We also remember about the cryptocommunity! The CryptoFundRaising module for carrying out researches before ICO will be additional created. In this module will pass idea test, projects and ways of their realization! Investors will foreknow what to expect from the project. Creators of the project will understand wich way they should move. It contributes to the development of a blockchain and its projects worldwide!

This is the first article about our platform on Medium! Remain with us and you receive all particulars soon!

P.S. If you want’s to beacome the Investor, then write down to yourself date on November 15 — the first round of Arbiz ICO will starts. Cost will only grow in next rounds!

That is the Arbiz Platform!

For more detail on www.arbiz.biz

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