Insert Coin, to start playing in the Arcade NFT Metaverse.

6 min readSep 19, 2021


From the Arcade Classics Collections; Rainbow Changa, China Town Edition.

Our Story
Our team consists of mostly Swedish gamers & entrepreneurs. The majority of us grew up as teenagers in the 90’s, playing classic arcades, experimented with early computer consoles and eventually played, collected and traded Ice Hockey, Magic, and Pokemon cards and other role playing games such as “DoD”. The NFT space is clearly calling for our attention.

Drakar & Demoner, a Swedish fantasy role playing game from 1982 referred to as “DoD”

Fast forward about 20 years, its December 2020, some old friends decided to finally build something together, and use our individual experience to unlock the true potential of decentralized gaming, and the future of interactive and playable collectibles. Arcade NFT team was formed.

Back in May 2021, we were already ready to launch our Pinball Genesis, but decided to hold off and release our collection through our own contract. This decision meant for our developers to start learning and coding in solidity. Summer in Sweden is holy for all Swedes, as to taking time off work, and things were postponed even more.

On the actual drop date of our Pinball, 7 out of 8 team members were not present at a computer, and the 500 genesis pieces sold out in under 50 min, before anyone in our team got the chance to mint it ourselves.. (true story) Nobody expected the drop to sell out within an hour. Before we look into the future, let us quickly recap what’s happened the last weeks.

Recap Arcade Classic Release

First things first,
Thank you to everyone who participated in our second drop! The response from the community again exceeded our expectations and we are greatly humbled by the incredible response and feedback that we have received.

Our discord went from 200 members to 2000 in about 24 hours, during the Arcade Classic drop weekend, got officially verified on Opensea, and in just 14 days we have minted 5240 arcades!

We can announce now that we have decided to close and cap this collections mint at 5555, so that we can focus all our energies on the exciting projects that we have coming up.
update* SOLD OUT!

We have had fantastic participation, there is currently 700+ daily active users on average participate in our ongoing arcade tournament that will be live until September 30th. While you guys have been gaming, we have been hard at work on our roadmap and want to share some of the exciting things upcoming here with you now.

We love games and will continue to make great games and push the boundaries of what is possible in the NFT world. We are continuing to learn and are committed to continuing improving all of our products for our community. We believe when fans & communities organize and demands impact, they can move the world and turn the old establishment up-side-down for good.

UPDATE — Check out our own Rarity Traits Ranking feature on our website!
Look up how unique your Arcade really is!

Today our team is ready to go to the next level, and take all the game creators and gamers with us into this future

Short term deliverables
As Arcade coming projects is under development, this means Arcade genesis holders will soon receive the second drop from the team own game production. The coming drop is a new game and built with collaboration with another exciting NFT Project. announcement regarding upcoming drop= 1st October.

Additionally to the Arcade genesis holders, we will expand the Airdrop to all the 500 Wallets that tried to mint several Arcade Classics during the first hour of the release but couldn't.


Arcade aims to be a forefront hub, through building and incubating many NFT concepts and games, products that capture unaddressed demand in an innovative and user friendly way.

We firmly believe that non-fungible tokens have the potential to empower indie game developers to; launch, collaborate and find a new audience with no limits. NFTs are a metamorphic framework that is going to erupt as a new paradigm for gamers and creators.

We believe when fans & communities organize and demands impact, they can move the world and turn the old establishment up-side-down for good.

Today our team is ready to go to the next level, and take all the game creators and gamers with us into this future. To support us in our vision in creating a new frontier for gaming communities, we set up a roadmap of coming drops for our community to hold us accountable to the coming months.

Our rationale behind this vision is that we believe that NFTs are here to stay. However, given the nascent stage NFT is in, the industry will inevitably go through significant changes as it matures. Thus, being able to react quickly to the market/change in the NFT landscape and building/incubating products that capture unaddressed demand as the landscape matures, will ensure Arcade continues to play a key role throughout the industry life cycle.

Working towards our vision, Arcade is launching the Arcade DAO. Arcade DAO, consists of community members that holds a Genesis Pinball and wants to be part of our journey and steer governance influence and aligne interest for the overall project development. We will start inviting and exploring project voting with our Pinball Owners during end October, stay tuned.

The end goal is launching the Arcade Hall in the metaverse, where gamers can enjoy all our released games, socialize and compete in tournaments with like minded enthusiasts.

Roadmap: Build, Expand, Invite

Going forward, we continue to actively build, expand, and invite collabs from all fronts, from DEFI protocols, Artists, Musicians, to other NFT projects, all of which will bring significant synergies to Arcade community and maximize the value to each NFT collection and accrual value to the Arcade DAO with its Genesis Pinballs holders.

Driving partnerships and collabs is one of the key focuses now and going forward for ArcadeNFT, as this will drive usage, adoption and revenue.

These partnerships will also allow Arcade to come closer to more communities.. We are actively finding these gaps in the market to create value for users throughout the whole Crypto landscape.

We are also planning to re-evaluate the possible Layer-2 distribution at our coming collections, to see which solution fits with the long-term trajectory of Arcade as well as where the product generates the most value in the long-term.

Endless possibilities with New Smart Contracts

Arcade Arena

One of the new Arcade contracts is currently going through a security audit. While the audit is in progress, our product and UX/UI teams have been working on crafting out a clean and easy-to-use UX/UI and building the app’s frontend for games to add both multiplayer functions and reward-carrying brackets.

UX/UI is key for Arcade, as the product idea is innovative and very unique from any other concept in the market. Thus, we want to ensure the UX/UI is simple and easy to understand for both new and advanced NFT users. Expected release February / mars.

SDK / Launchpad

We are also in the beginning of the very first Arcade Launchpad project. The first incubated project will soon be announced. This is a huge paradigm upgrade for our platform and for the industry as well.

As we are experiencing a high inflow of applicants, we will be coming up with an expansion plan for Arcade Launchpad, to which we will provide more in-depth details when we are live — Expected release TBA.

About Arcade NFT

Arcade’s first products are gameble NFTs, that also captures the market gap in interactive, competing, multiplayer experiences, several of the key pillars of the gaming system. Arcade NFT is a project from 10xNifty Studio, a team-first owned DAO, where projects & concepts always will be launched out of passion. We are currently 10 team members, where everybody is a shareholder.

Join our Telegram/Discord for the latest updates, follow us on Twitter.




We aspire our series of collectables to be fun, unique & addictive to play! Join the adventure where we take the classical arcade games into the future of NFTs.