The Genesis Pinball NFT

3 min readSep 29, 2021


The Genesis Pinball is the foundation of Arcade NFTs. It is the culmination of months of hard work, the realization of a dream, and the very first playable game NFT in history. The Genesis Pinball is limited to only 500 ever made.

We initially developed the idea for this project in December of 2020, and by May of 2021 we were ready to launch. However, we decided to continue to refine our product and we postponed the launch until August so that our team could learn to code in solidity and we could launch the Pinballs on our own contract.

The Genesis Pinball dropped on 08/14 and, to our surprise, all 500 pinballs were sold out within 50 minutes with almost no marketing or promotion. In fact, most of our team members did not even mint any pinballs because we did not expect the reception to be so incredible. The original mint price was .089 ETH.

Our Pinball holders are the heart and the soul of our project, and by owning one you unlock exclusive access to many benefits You also own a piece of history as the first ever playable NFT video game.

Benefits to holders

Free Airdrops for Life

Pinball holds will receive a free airdrop of every game that Arcade NFTs ever release — for life. For this reason holding the Pinball will continue to provide value well into the future beyond the historical and cultural significance as the first ever playable NFT.

Some future games drops will be limited to 500 games meaning the only way to obtain these limited games is to be a Genesis Pinball holder.

Admission into our DAO

Genesis holders will receive access to our exclusive ArcadeDAO (decentralized autonomous organization), which will be used to discuss the overall project development and will give holders an inside view into the roadmap as well as input into plans for future drops and releases. Genesis Pinball holders will be verified through a wallet address and assigned the role of DAO gamer in our discord and receive access to an exclusive channel where you can interact with other Pinball holders.


To fully understand this next benefit we recommend reading our roadmap which goes into more details concerning our plans for expanding gaming in the metaverse through the launch of our own SDK platform and launchpad for future game development and release by us and other developers.

The Genesis Pinball in the Arcade Arena

In the Arcade Arena holding a Genesis Pinball will have significant benefits. It will let you play in any bracket you want — basically this means that you can compete on any level, for as big prize pools as made possible by the bracket system. Also you will be able to do calculations to understand what bracket it will be more easy to win. For instance, if a bracket has less players there will be higher average prizes for winners.

Owning a Pinball will also let you play the Holders Only game which has a separate prize pool, here also the Genesis will win far more than any arcade.

How can I buy a Genesis Pinball NFT?

The Genesis Pinball is currently sold out, but if you would like to own one you can find them for sale on OpenSea here:

If you have any question please join our discord here:

Arcade NFT Team




We aspire our series of collectables to be fun, unique & addictive to play! Join the adventure where we take the classical arcade games into the future of NFTs.