The Importance of Physical Education in Schools

3 min readDec 12, 2022


Physical health is a gateway to leading a successful and healthy life. The saying “Health is wealth” is well-known and accurate. Being physically active can improve happiness, health, and academic performance.

It is believed that a child’s education at school aids in their overall development as a person. Education entails more than simply teaching children to read, write, memorize, and replicate theories on answer sheets. When students spend the majority of their time in a classroom learning, it is crucial that they also engage in some physical activities to relax and rejuvenate their bodies, minds, and souls. Therefore, the physical education hour has significance in addition to the regular class hours.

GIIS is one of the best IGCSE schools in Hyderabad that incorporate physical activities into their daily curriculum to nurture the child's overall well-being.

Why is Physical Education Important for Students?

  • It keeps the mind fresh and improves focus.

According to several studies, exercise has been linked to increased basal ganglia size. The area of the brain in charge of attention regulation is called the basal ganglia. Today’s students struggle to focus due to various technological distractions (televisions, tablets, computers, and cell phones). School teachers can sharpen their focus by encouraging physical education. Schools frequently plan physically demanding games and exercises, encouraging students to participate in these activities outside the classroom to maintain their physical and mental health.

  • Prevents obesity and supports growth

Many schoolchildren today consume unhealthy junk food. Regular consumption of these foods may result in weight gain. Physical education and extracurricular activities at school prevent obesity and high blood pressure. Kids who exercise and move around burn more calories. These calories are stored as fat if they are not burned off.

Additionally, these activities are crucial for the healthy development and growth of bone and cartilage. For school-aged children, bone-strengthening exercises like jumps are essential because they give the bones the ability to support their growth and strength.

  • Improves body flexibility and strength

As part of physical education, children are encouraged to move their bodies through games, sports, exercise, yoga, and other activities that can help them become physically fit and healthy.

Exercises that involve stretching and balancing the body increase flexibility and balance, lowering the risk of injuries. Additionally, physical activity can increase productivity and help them handle pressure.

  • Prevents sleep deprivation

A restful night’s sleep is necessary for living a happy and healthy life. Students who regularly exercise and engage in physical activity have tired bodies that yearn for a restful night’s sleep. Children who have had enough sleep are more upright and alert in class. Their focus prevents careless errors and gives them the energy to collaborate with their teachers and classmates.

  • Improves communication skills

A child involved in physical activity is more expressive when they communicate. It helps them sideline their mental and physical reservations and makes them confident and fearless.

  • Builds team skills

Physical education hours bring children together in an open space, where they engage in activities as a team, which helps in healthy interactions, cooperation, relationship management, and self-awareness.

  • Improves memory and keeps them active

Physically active children have a sharp memory. The chemicals generated in the brain during physical activity build new blood vessels in the brain. This helps the brain retain more information and helps children stay active.

  • Reduces anxiety and stress

Studies claim that physically inactive children are more prone to mental illness when compared to physically active children. There is no or less space for anxiety and unwanted thoughts in the minds of physically active children.

Numerous things, including arguments with friends or poor performance despite your best efforts, can lead to stress. Students who are under stress find it difficult to focus on their academic performance without time to de-stress.


Parents frequently ignore the value of physical education. We place a lot of emphasis on getting good grades and getting promoted in class. However, it has been demonstrated through science and research that these pursuits are equally significant to education. Children spend a lot of time in school, which serves as a strong incentive for encouraging them to adopt healthy lifestyles. Numerous studies show that one of the best ways to encourage activity in our children is through school-based physical education programs. International Schools in Secunderabad focus on academics and include physical education in their daily classes.

