Arcane Finance Mystery Adventure Guide

Arcane Finance
4 min readDec 1, 2023


As part of this event, we invite you to undergo testing of the Arcane Finance application, specifically its core components:

  • RFQ
  • AMM
  • Liquidity Pool

In this article, we will provide detailed instructions on participating in the Arcane Finance Mystery Adventure campaign.

Aleo Credits Faucet

To test the application, you will need Aleo credits. To obtain them, follow these steps:

  1. Join the Aleo Discord server through the official link:
  2. Navigate to the “Faucet” channel manually or use the link:
  3. Send a message with the following command:
  • /sendcredits (bot command)
  • your Aleo Wallet Address
  • the amount of Aleo credits you intend to receive

Example command:

/sendcredits aleo….your wallet address 5

Arcane Finance Faucet

  1. Go to the Arcane Finance Faucet page.
  2. Connect your Aleo Wallet by clicking on the “Connect Wallet” button in the top right corner of the application page.
  3. Choose one of the offered tokens and specify the amount of tokens you want to receive from the Arcane Finance Faucet.

5. Click “Claim” and confirm the transaction in your Aleo Wallet.

6. Congratulations! You have received test tokens from Arcane Finance in your Aleo Wallet.

Arcane Finance RFQ

Your journey will begin with RFQ, which stands for Request for Quotation. RFQ is a mechanism that allows you to receive price quotes for exchanges completely independent of slippage, directly provided by market makers.

To test Arcane Finance RFQ, follow these steps:

1. Claim test tokens from the Arcane Finance Faucet (you can also use tokens obtained earlier).

2. Go to the Arcane Finance App page.

3. In the first field, select the token you claimed through the Arcane Finance Faucet, and specify the number of tokens you want to exchange. (The quantity of tokens does not affect the testing results.)

4. Click “Swap” and confirm the transaction in your Aleo Wallet by clicking “Confirm.”

Congratulations! You have successfully tested Arcane Finance RFQ.

5. Copy the transaction link and your wallet address, then send this information to the #rfq-quest channel on the Arcane Finance Discord.

After verification, you will receive the RFQ Master role.

Arcane Finance AMM

The next step on your journey through the Arcane Finance Mystery Adventure is to gain experience using Arcane Finance AMM.

To test Arcane Finance AMM, follow these steps:

1. Claim test tokens from the Arcane Finance Faucet (you can also use tokens obtained earlier).

2. Go to the Arcane Finance App page.

3. In the first field, select the token you claimed through the Arcane Finance Faucet, and specify the number of tokens you want to exchange. (The quantity of tokens does not affect the testing results.)

4. Click “Swap” and confirm the transaction in your Aleo Wallet by clicking “Confirm.”

Congratulations! You have successfully tested Arcane Finance AMM.

5. Copy the transaction link and your wallet address, then send this information to the #amm-quest channel on the Arcane Finance Discord.

After verification, you will receive the AMM Master role.

Arcane Finance Liquidity Pool

Next, you will need to complete the final step on the path to obtaining the Arcane Ultimate Orb: testing the Arcane Finance Liquidity Pool.

To test the Arcane Finance Liquidity Pool, you need to:

1. Acquire test tokens from the Arcane Finance Faucet (you can also use tokens obtained earlier).

2. Go to the Arcane Finance App page: and in the selector on the Trade panel, choose the “Pool” tab.

3. In the first field, select the token you got from the Arcane Finance Faucet. In the second field, choose the token you traded in the earlier RFQ or AMM tests. Lastly, type in how many tokens you want to add to the Liquidity Pool. (The number of tokens won’t impact the test results.)

4. Click “Add liquidity,” and confirm the transaction in your Aleo Wallet by clicking “Confirm.”

5. Copy the transaction link and your wallet address, then send this information to the #pool-quest channel on the Arcane Finance Discord.

After verification, you will receive the Pool Master role.

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Arcane Finance

ZeFi DEX on @AleoHQ: A cutting-edge privacy-first financial powerhouse leveraging Aleo's unique ZKP-based features to provide unparalleled confidentiality.